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可我还是没法管教好淘气大王。And I still can't deal with rowdy children.

老师使这吵闹的班级安静了下来。The teacher made the rowdy class quiet down.

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还有什么,我是说,派对也没有很闹。What else, I mean, they don't get too rowdy.

一群吵闹的男孩跑过街道。A rowdy group of boys ran through the streets.

一群暴徒在要道聚众闹事。Rowdy mobs gathered in the leading thoroughfares.

我希望我的家庭是其乐融融,没有争吵,没有打闹。I hope my family is happy, no quarrel, no rowdy session.

他想猛击小流氓的头,可还是忍住了。He wanted to crack the rowdy over the head, but refrained.

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做父母所宠爱的,正是这种调皮捣蛋的孩子。A rowdy kid like that is just the kind that parents dote on.

设想一下,如果我们都在一个房间,那么就会变得非常拥挤。Imagine if we were all in the same room. It would get rowdy.

今天,持续驾车16小时,车上的一对儿女吵到我烦。Today, on a 16 hour car ride my kids were being unusually rowdy.

一个吵闹的表兄弟或姐妹……一件印有Eeyore的T恤……一个小狗形状的气球。A rowdy cousin . . . an Eeyore T-shirt . . . a dog-shaped balloon.

比如在冬至日,热闹的罗马丰收节就成了圣诞节。The rowdy Roman harvest festival at winter solstice became Christmas.

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她的大部分客人都是闹哄哄的青年人,成群结队的,喜欢在同伴面前显摆。Much of her custom was rowdy young groups of men keen to show off to friends.

别像那种坐在圆桌旁说话发出哒哒哒声播报新闻的明星,尊重和聆听你的客人。Unlike the star of a rowdy cable news roundtable, defer and listen to your guest.

工会发言人图尔基亚诺说,紧急按钮能遏阻喧闹轻浮的客人。Union spokesman John Turchiano said panic buttons would deter potentially rowdy guests.

他很自信地步入乱哄哄的教室,把窗子尽可能大地打开。Stepping confidently into the rowdy classroom, he opened the window as wide as possible.

在巨大的茅草屋里,音乐家在一群闹哄哄的旁观者前面,大声地演奏着狂乱的音乐。Inside a large thatch hut, musicians play loud, frenetic music before a crowd of rowdy onlookers.

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到半夜,大群粗暴的无产者在街头闲荡,整个城市癫狂躁动,奇怪兮兮。Late at night, when crowds of rowdy proles roamed the streets, the town had a curiously febrile air.

坦桑尼亚警察很少碰到民众反抗,这次也已经使用瓦斯催泪弹对付粗暴吵闹的反对派群体。Tanzania's police, who rarely confront civil disobedience, have tear-gas sed rowdy opposition rallies.

坦桑尼亚警察很少碰到民众反抗,这次也已经使用瓦斯催泪弹对付粗暴吵闹的反对派群体。Tanzania’s police, who rarely confront civil disobedience, have tear-gas sed rowdy opposition rallies.