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最佳西方深圳富临大酒店。Best Western Shenzhen Felicity Hotel.

本和费莉希蒂在哪家咖啡店工作?Which coffee shop employs Ben and Felicity?

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本就是那个费莉希蒂百般周折跟着去纽约的那个男孩。Ben is the guy that Felicity follows to New York.

我是一个快乐的女孩,我非常幸福!I'm a good-humored girl, I am felicity very much.

而这艘帆船的所有者之一正是约瑟夫·怀特。Joseph White was one of the owners of the Felicity.

如今我这个凡夫俗子蒙神的召唤,将享受天堂的幸福了。Now I am called on earth to enjoy celestial felicity.

他在选择对象的问题上真是太有福气了。He has chosen his partner, indeed, with rare felicity.

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每次我看到本和费利西蒂在一起时就让我脸红心跳的。I get so kilig everytime Ben and Felicity get together.

大结局里,本和费亲吻了吗?In the season finale, do Ben and Felicity share a kiss?

这句话的意思是“费利西蒂会发短信或打电话来说她有多么的想我。”Felicity will text or call and say how much she misses me.

她可以用同样巧妙的言辞,描写驼鸟和大象。She can describe an ostrich or elephant with equal felicity.

本拿起记事簿,开始给费莉希蒂写纸条。Ben picked up a notebook and started towrite Felicity a note.

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关于促进我的家庭幸福方面,你还有什么别的意见吗?Have you any thing else to propose for my domestic felicity ?

那时,费必须从本和诺尔之间做出抉择。At this point, Felicity must make a decision between Ben and Noel.

他为费莉希蒂买了一张飞机票,想和她一起去。He buys a plane ticket for Felicity so that she could go with him.

我要走进他,沐浴在他那谦卑至福的阳光下。I will approach him and bask in the sunshine of his humble felicity.

费莉希蒂第一次见到诺尔的女友汉娜是在哪个假日?During which holiday does Felicity first meet Noel's girlfriend, Hanna?

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费莉希蒂与公司同事们一起度过了最后一个感恩节。Felicity and company spend what may be their last Thanksgivingtogether.

阐述这首诗的优点或是措辞的得当,没有这个必要。It is needless to expatiate on its poetic merit or felicity of diction.

他要把他的灾祸搀杂在他们两人的幸福里吗?。Should he place his catastrophe as a third associate in their felicity?