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我无法理解匈牙利语。I couldnot understand Hungarian.

匈牙利酒是由托考伊城产的葡萄做成的。Hungarian wine is made from Tokay grapes.

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这是1944年拍摄的一组匈牙利犹太人照片。A group of Hungarian Jews pictured in 1944.

我等待着匈牙利语言包了!I'm waiting for hungarian language pack, too!

匈牙利的国会可以让游客入内参观,不过需要花18欧元门票。The Hungarian Congress, which costs 18 euros to get in.

匈牙利联赛联队在第57分钟时由托科利扳回一球。For the Hungarian side Tokoli scored in the 57th minute.

你可能认为匈牙利语很容易学。其实不然。You might think Hungarian a pushover to learn. It is not.

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卡莫•罗姆布奇是匈牙利知名的女翻译家。Kamo Luo Mbuji is a well known Hungarian women translator.

我来自匈牙利,所以喜欢匈牙利菜。Well, because I'm from the Hungary, I like Hungarian foods.

她是伟大的匈牙利钢琴家弗朗兹兹·李斯特的学生。She was a pupil of Franz Liszt, the great Hungarian pianist.

因为我出生在罗马尼亚,但我的国籍是匈牙利。Because I was born in Romania, but I'm Hungarian nationality.

匈牙利前锋西蒙下半场同样有所斩获。Hungarian striker Andras Simon also netted a second half equaliser.

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匈牙利总理久尔恰尼对这个批评不以为然。Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany shrugs off this criticism.

这份合同将确保这位17岁的匈牙利天才在利物浦至少待到2013年。The deal will keep the 17-year-old Hungarian at the club until 2013.

奥匈边境等待上阵的匈牙利V43型电力机车。Hungarian V43 EL was standing-by at the border of Austria and Hungary.

匈牙利立法中有关工业设计的保护可以追溯到1907年。Hungarian regulations concerning industrial designs date back to 1907.

1916年,邬达克成为了匈牙利皇家建筑师协会的一员。In 1916 he was elected to the Royal Institute of Hungarian Architects.

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她也忙于匈牙利和斯洛伐克农民的医疗保健。She was also busy giving medical care to Hungarian and Slovak peasants.

有一个作曲家的作品,现在还常常被演出,这就是匈牙利的伯拉·巴托克。A composer whose work is often performed now is the Hungarian Bela Bratok.

CNN还是像我记得的那样糟糕,所以我看了匈牙利语的星球大战。CNN was just as awful as I remember it, so I watched Star Wars in Hungarian.