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我想他是个扒手。I believe he is a shoplifter.

阿德里恩感觉就像一个窃贼。Adrian felt like a shoplifter.

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一位佯装顾客而偷窃货品的人被店员逮到。A shoplifter was caught by the store clerks.

累的时候是在我四处逛悠抓小偷时。It's when I'm roamin' around tryin' to catch a shoplifter.

该商店侦探告诉冒充顾客进商店行窃的扒手,他已被发现了。The store detective told the shoplifter that the game was up.

巧画刊没有支付项目中,他或她购买的商店。A skillful shoplifter doesn't have to pay for items he or she buys in shops.

一个小偷在一家珠宝店希图偷走一只手表的时分被当场擒获。A shoplifter was caught red-handed trying to steal a watch from a jewelry store.

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对于防扒协会来说,最让其头疼的莫过于一个普通的购物者实际上是个扒手,这点可能大家有所不知。Do you know what LP pros regard as a dead giveaway that a shopper is actually a shoplifter?

店员通常会呆在法庭上看著法官审判,并看著小偷缴交罚金而当庭释放。The employee would sit in court and watch while the judge usually just fined and released the shoplifter on his or her own recognizance.

警方说,一个打算偷衣服的女扒手在一家百货商场里遭到扣留,商场的顾客们却误以为她遭到了陌生人的骚扰,纷纷“拔刀相助”。German shoppers sprang to the help of shoplifter who was being detained after trying to steal clothes at a department store, wrongly assuming she was being attacked by strangers, police said.