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我在水里,准确地说,是水下。I was in water, underwater.

激潮是海面下一种强大的暗流。Riptide is a strong underwater current.

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水底下的火山叫海底锥形山。An underwater volcano is called a seamount.

你会听见来自水下洞穴的海浪声。You can hear the waves in underwater caves.

水下摄影是一项令人难以捉摸的工作。Underwater portraiture is a tricky endeavor.

和水下仍带有砂浆的石砖And underwater chunks of still-mortared brick

我戴蛙镜以便看水中世界。NO01, I wear goggles so I can see underwater.

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这张照片是以鱼眼镜头在水底拍摄。Picture taken with a fisheye lens underwater.

它在水下250米进行秘密潜航动作。In the 250 meters underwater covert action sail.

美国说是一枚水下炸弹引起的。The United States said it was an underwater bomb.

海底世界即是在有大海的情况下建成的。The underwater world is in asea of circumstances.

指定水下的雾看上去有多密。Specifies how Dense the Underwater Fog looks like.

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提出了一种新型的二维扫描式水下电视系统。A new 2-D scanning underwater TV system is proposed.

走到开始游泳水下蛙泳。Push off and start swimming underwater breaststroke.

专业摄像师则更偏爱于用特别的水下摄像机。Professionals prefer to use special underwater cameras.

双轴声道常出现于大洋中。Two-axis underwater channel often exists in deep ocean.

就像把你脑袋浸水里,就更难出声了。It was even harder to yell when your head was underwater.

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蠵龟在水下停留的时间长达1小时。Loggerhead turtles can stay underwater for up to an hour.

水中混响的混沌属性分析。Chaos characteristic analysis of underwater reverberation.

水下无传动件,整机使用寿命长。No underwater operating components and long ser vice life.