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一伏米。A volt meter.

就是一单位的电子伏特。That is one electron volt.

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我要买个二百伏特的变压器。I want to buy a 220 volt transformer.

一毫伏是一伏的千分之一。A millivolt is one-thousandth of a volt.

闻风六郡伏,计日五戎平。Six to five volt meter County, Rong ping.

势能差的单位是什么,伏特。What is the unit of potential difference? Volt.

其实通用汽车是把宝压在了他的雪佛莱的“VOLT”着款车上了。General Motors' great gamble is the Chevrolet Volt.

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我需要的就是象附件中的照片里那样的24伏的风扇。I need some 24 volt fans like in the attached picture.

如果我把这两个乘起来,库仑乘以伏特是多少?If I multiply these two, what is the coulomb times a volt?

这个型号由由24伏反向风门电机驱动。The WOBD is operated by a 24 volt reverse acting damper motor.

我将一个电压计连到了我们的单芯柠檬电池上。I have connected a volt meter to our single cell lemon battery.

此外,Volt是美国制造,而普锐斯来自日本。And the Volt is made in America while the Prius comes from Japan.

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三十六伏的电池能使该黄包车行驶四十千米。A thirty-six volt battery can carry the rickshaw forty kilometers.

通用汽车打算在今年晚些时候让沃特在中国上市销售。GM plans to begin selling the Volt in China starting later this year.

闪亮通过一组12伏的电池驱动,4速手动变速。Sparky is a 4-speed manual and runs on a system of 12 volt batteries.

如果伏特这个单位过大,我们就用毫伏或微伏。Where the volt is too large a unit, we use the millivolt or microvolt.

燃油动力的乘用车很少能打败雪佛兰伏特。Very few gas-powered passenger cars can beat the Chevy Volt off the line.

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星火形成履行一个600伏特的电容器成为一个线圈小学。A spark is formed by discharging a 600 volt capacitor into a coil primary.

现在我开的是一辆雪佛兰伏特混合动力车,昨天跑了140迈/加仑。Right now I'm driving a Chevy Volt hybrid car. Yesterday, I got 140 m.p.g.

今年下半年,即插型雪佛兰和纯电日产即将下线。Late this year, the plug-in Chevy Volt and pure-electric Nissan Leaf arrive.