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在他死后,她前往西印度群岛After his death she sailed to the West Indies.

欢迎光临尼维斯四季度假村,西印度群岛。Welcome to Four Seasons Resort Nevis, West Indies.

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他们于十七世纪二三十年代至东印度地区They reach the East Indies in the 1620s and the 1630s.

占据西印度群岛最东端岛屿的一个国家。A country occupying the easternmost island of the West Indies.

我是说,举个例子,在伯明翰有西印度群岛的岛屿。I mean, for example, in Birmingham there's a lot of West Indies.

我父母来自加勒比西印度群岛的两个小岛。My parents are from two tiny islands in the Caribbean West Indies.

布里奇顿西印度群岛的巴巴多斯的首府。Barbados, in the West Indies. It was founded by the British in1628.

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所以我想要搞清楚,我的听众们觉得那是必要的么?I was still indies . So I wonder, do my listeners think it's necessary?

轮回说的观点适合于印度的气候。The opinion of the metempsychosis is adapted to the climate of the Indies.

我常常告诉自己,没有人一生下来就有为西印度群岛队效力的资格。I have always said that nobody has a god given right to play for West Indies.

橙色杯状珊瑚暗礁属在西印度群岛的博内尔岛。Orange cup coral clusters on a pier piling on Bonaire Island in the West Indies.

帕特。范德洪生于比利时,约翰。巴恩斯生于西印度群岛。Pat Van Den Hauwe was born in Belgium and John Barnes was born in the West Indies.

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布里奇顿西印度群岛的巴巴多斯的首府。The capital of Barbados, in the West Indies. It was founded by the British in1628.

在自己真的到达印度之前,他也没有意识到自己到达了一个新大陆。He also did not anticipate running into a landmass before he reached the East Indies.

西印度群岛的多米尼加,彩虹横跨过生长在山侧花团锦簇的树。A rainbow arcs over trees blooming on a hillside in the West Indies island of Dominica.

走出家门去西印度群岛想发财致富的英国人和别的欧洲人通常会在那先死掉。The British and other Europeans who went out to the West Indies to get rich usually died first.

星星苹果,美国中部地区及西印度低洼地区的食物。The Star apple is a fruit native to the low-lying areas of Central America and the West Indies.

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如今我回到了独立制作去,因为我必须参与那些单调而乏味的工作而且我还不能从中脱身一阵。Now I've come back to the indies because I got on that treadmill and I couldn't get off for a while.

原产于美洲西印度群岛及墨西哥湾区,引入香港的历史不详。A species native to the West Indies and Gulf of Mexico, the history of its introduction is not known.

在上述的简单定义之外,还有无数的有关“独立”的定义。Beyound that simple definition, though, there are as many definitions of "indie" as there are indies.