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海涛聚集后就是海啸了。Tsunami is fit for you!

预计协调世界时0900时出现海啸。Tsunami wave expected by 0900 UTC.

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海啸的急流把一棵树冲倒了。A tree is pulled over by tsunami waves.

在当前情况下就是地震和海啸。In this case the earthquake and tsunami.

诺阿说,海啸不能阻止。NOAA says a tsunami cannot be prevented.

2004年的海啸也曾侵袭同一地区,即伊洛瓦底三角洲及仰光省。The tsunami of 2004 hit the same region.

她指着照片中光秃秃的部分,摇着头,“我从未想到海啸会是这么可怕。”I never imagined a tsunami could do this.

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海啸是两个字符的日本词。Tsunami is a two-character Japanese word.

我们利用软件发布海啸预警。We use a software and send a tsunami warning.

我听到海啸要来后拔腿就跑。I ran away after I heard a tsunami was coming.

海啸的受害者们现在都在避难所里。Those tsunami victims are in evacuation centers.

日本气象厅发布海啸警报…Tsunami warnings or advisories are in effect now.

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珍妮弗罗兹监督NOAA的海啸计划。Jenifer Rhoades supervises NOAA's Tsunami Program.

动物逃过海啸大劫难全靠神秘“第六感”?Did animals' " sixth sense" save them from tsunami?

地震触发了海啸预警。The quake prompted tsunami warnings and advisories.

发生海啸,我们因祸得福。我很高兴亚齐终于得享和平。The tsunami was a blessing in disguise. I'm really.

传奇它一晃动尾巴就会山崩海啸。It is a legend would be a landslide tsunami wave tail.

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他们中的很多人,自从海啸发生以来,这是第一次喝到热汤。For many, it was their first hot soup since the tsunami.

那么,这是个真实的故事吗?真的发生过一场蜜糖海啸?。So, was that a true story? Did a treacle tsunami happen?

在日本东北海岸遭受8.9级地震袭击之后,在日本东部宫城县的仙台,大量房屋被海啸冲走。TOKYO — A devastating tsunami hit the coast of northeast