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全国胸外科临床药理基地。National thoracic surgery clinical pharmacology base.

这位药理学教授的儿子在他这一代人中并不特别。The son of a pharmacology professor was not unique in his generation.

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对其临床药理和临床研究进行综述。Its clinical pharmacology and clinical studies are reviewed in this paper.

药剂学是化学制药技术专业的一门主干课程。Pharmacology is a trunk course in chemical pharmaceutical technology specialty.

对氨曲南的药理作用及临床应用作一综述。A brief summary was made on the clinical pharmacology and application of aztreonam.

本文综述了茶色素的生理功能、制备及应用方面的研究进展。Its pharmacology function, preparation and application were summarized in this paper.

生物学家,拥有神经科学和药理学的丰富经验。Dr Murnane is a biologist with particular experience in neuroscience and pharmacology.

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对启发式教学法在药理学教学中的应用进行了论述。This article reviews the applications of heuristic didactics to pharmacology teaching.

摘要对启发式教学法在药理学教学中的应用进行了论述。This article reviews the applications of heuristic didactics to pharmacology teaching.

目的介绍清咽止咳口服液的制备工艺及其药效学实验。Objects To introduce the preparation of Qinyanzhike liquids and study its pharmacology.

摘要对启发式教学法在药理学教学中的应用进行了论述。This article reviews the applications of heuristic didact ics to pharmacology teaching.

采用动物实验对止咳化痰丸进行药理学研究。Animal experiment was adapted to research the pharmacology effects of Zhisou-Huatan tablet.

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20年前,我是一名学医的学生,我学会了所有的解剖学,生理性和和药理学。As a medical student 20 years ago, I learned all about anatomy, physiology and pharmacology.

行为药物学和毒理学。在实验室和荒野的行为病理学。Behavioral Pharmacology and Toxicology. Behavioral Pathologies in Laboratory and in the Wild.

但是,茯灵的药理作用要阐明,还需要大量的研究。However, much more research will be necessary to clarify the pharmacology of indigo naturalis.

手性药物对映体具有不同的药理活性和不同的用途。The enantiomer of some chiral drugs has different pharmacology activity and different applying.

现代药理学提供了许许多多的镇静剂、抗抑郁剂和抗焦虑剂。Modern pharmacology offers an abundance of tranquilizers, antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs.

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分别于1986年及1989年获日本京都大学药学硕士、博士学位。Sc. and Ph. D. degrees in Pharmacology at Kyoto University, Japan, in 1986 and 1989 respectively.

本文简要介绍了左乙拉西坦和波生坦的药理作用及其合成意义。We briefly discussed pharmacology and significance of both levetiracetam and bosentan in the paper.

近年来临床与药学相结合,产生了临床药学学科及担当该项工作的临床药师。Clinic pharmacy and pharmacist were the result of the combination of clinical work and pharmacology.