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承担红色旅游有关工作。undertaking affairs on the Red Tourism.

承办其它爱国卫生工作。Undertaking other patriotic hygiene work.

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你们说得对,这是一件复杂的事情。You're right, this is a complex undertaking.

她劝我别承担那份工作。She discouraged me from undertaking the work.

希望工程是一项公益事业。The Hope Project is a commonweal undertaking.

这是一项光荣而艰巨的任务。This is a difficult but glorious undertaking.

这是不朽的战争而吴把它传递出来了。It's a monumental undertaking and Woo delivers.

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并不一定要大张旗鼓地进行这件事。This does not have to be a massive undertaking.

办一个新农场是一件很大的事。To start a new farm is rather a large undertaking.

默特尔是一个不会为任何工作浪费时间的人。Myrtle is not one to waste time in any undertaking.

承办人承诺担任这一工作。An undertaker undertook to undertake an undertaking.

庞塞是位做任何事情都不耽搁时间的人。Ponce was not a man to wast time in any undertaking.

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望各新老用户来电贺函洽商,共创制笔大业!We will found the great undertaking in making pens!.

理论通常是假设性的。Theory is very often a purely speculative undertaking.

我认为他们是冒险承担这项任务。I think that they are hazardously undertaking the task.

因为这是谷雨时节的正在进行时。When because this is of Grain Rain season, undertaking.

并且长期承接外贸服装订单。And long-term undertaking foreign trade clothing orders.

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青岛铁艺不锈钢主要承接不锈钢防盗门。Qingdao Iron Art Stainless Steel Door major undertaking.

三北防护林带是一项造林事业。The Three North Shelterbelt is a forestation undertaking.

我们要继承他未完成的事业。We will succeed his undertaking that he has not finished.