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有人问禘祭的道理。Someone asked the purport of the Di Sacrifice.

历史制度主义的旨趣是关注历史。The purport of historical institutionalism is talk about history.

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我出版了13部著作,全部的要义就可浓缩成这句,我病了。I published thirteen books the whole purport of which was I am sick.

他们绝少去猜疑,在他那番自我谴责的言辞中潜藏着多么殊死的涵义。They little guessed what deadly purport lurked in those self-condemning words.

葛兰西的文化领导权蕴涵着从“霸权”到“合法化”的理论旨趣。The culture hegemony theory embodies the purport from hegemony to legalization.

你不会在法院内工作,那些机构也和律师事务所不相关,And it doesn't actually work in court or that doesn't actually purport to be a law firm,

我希望在这些号称是为我们说话的组织中,我们的人有更多的话语权。I would like us to have a greater say in organisations that purport to speak on our behalf.

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这可能的题中之义是,男性感觉时间过的快一些,而女性则感觉时间过得慢一些。This could possibly purport that men feel time go by faster while women feel it goes by slower.

这些记载不仅来源复杂,而且具有特定时代的文化旨趣。These records not only have complicated sources, but also cultural purport of the special times.

他也许在翻译文字,或者对着录音机缓慢又认真地讲述要旨。He may have been translating words, or slowly and carefully speaking the purport into the Dictaphone.

介绍了汽轮机部件低周疲劳安全寿命的含义和计算方法。The purport and a calculation method of low cycle fatigue safe life design and assessment are expounded.

他写这封信的主要目的是,要把韦翰先生已经决定脱离民兵团的消息告诉他们。The principal purport of his letter was to inform them that Mr. Wickham had resolved on quitting the Militia.

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他写这封信的主要目的是,要把韦翰先生已经决定脱离民兵团的消息告诉他们。The principal purport of his letter was to inform them that Mr. Wickham had resolved on quitting the Militia.

最后分析了视觉材料表情概念化、抽象化的原因及意义。In addition, the reason and the purport which material expression are conceptualized and abstract are analyzed.

我们冥想着您圣名的要旨,讨论着您圣名的深意,还不断唱颂着您的圣名。We meditate upon the purport of Your name, discuss Your name amongst ourselves, and chant Your name continuously.

以此而论,在追求无限与自由这种境界的意义上,庄禅有共同的旨趣。In this context, in the pursuit of unlimited and freedom of this realm of sense, Chong Chan have a common purport.

任何政治都隐含着关于人性的假定,对于人性的不同预设导致了迥然不同的政治旨趣。Every politics contains the presupposition of human nature, which results in much more different political purport.

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乘客们的补偿支持通过投资在绿色项目上来抵消一吨吨的二氧化碳排放。Passenger offsets purport to cancel out carbon dioxide emissions ton for ton through investments in green projects.

他们声称是克莱门特的著述,他是第一位罗马主教,即彼得任命的第一位天主教教皇。They purport to be the writings of Clement, the first bishop of Rome, ie -- the first Catholic Pope appointed by Peter.

“我的小珠儿,”海丝特沉默了一会儿之后说,“那绿色的字母,在你童稚的胸口是没有意义的。"My little Pearl," said Hester, after a moment's silence, "the green letter, and on thy childish bosom, has no purport.