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极其精致的女士贴身衬衫。Extremely sophisticated with figure-hugging femininity.

他的生命已经具备了够充足的女性成份。There was already more than enough femininity in his life.

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这种散发出来的女人味才是最吸引男人的。That femininity radiates out and is very attractive to men.

一点点女孩气和精致感,再配上厚重的靴子。A little femininity and delicacy. Pair it with a heavy boot.

长头发在传统上被认为是娇滴滴的象征。Long hair was traditionally regarded as a sign of femininity.

是否作者巴尔扎克的文学理论是建立在女性主义之上的?Is it Balzac the author professing "literary" ideas on femininity?

法国妇女信奉女权主义,但决不以娇柔作代价。French women believe in feminism, but not at the price of femininity.

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女性气质是一个中性词,不属于男性或女性。Femininity is a neutral word, it is not belong to the man or the woman.

京派作家②说中的女性形象,是一个庞大的女性群体,具有独特性。Femininity image by the writers of Beijing has a peculiarity of its own.

在球场之外,她把冷酷刚强的个性和毫不掩饰的女性特征惊人地融合在一起。When off court, she's a striking blend of steeliness and unabashed femininity.

米色元素被大量融入此次整个系列,凸显女性的纯洁典雅。Beiges with new hues impregnate the whole collection, promoting clean femininity.

实际上,大部分瑞典女性发现很容易将妇女的柔弱性和女权主义理想融合。In fact, most women in Sweden find it easy to meld femininity with feminist ideals.

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神无性别,但含有男性与女性特质。God includes masculinity and femininity within himself without having sexual gender.

清朝画家还喜欢体现女性的柔弱和病态。Female femininity and morbid beauty were also depicted by artists in the Qing Dynasty.

性能力和女性气质是一种年龄和智慧的积累,这是很自然的事情。Sexuality and femininity is an accumulation of age and wisdom and comfort in your own skin.

尽管如此,埃巴坚信,瑞典女性并没有放弃他们的温柔。Nevertheless, she's a firm believer that Swedish women don't have to give up their femininity.

战争原来是男人的事,与女人无关,因此他们便把她的态度当成是女人味十足的特征。War was men’s business, not ladies’, and they took her attitude as evidence of her femininity.

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腰间缠上沙滩巾,头上别一朵赤素馨花,把你女性的优雅完全展现出来。Wrap a sarongaround your waist and pin a frangipani in your hair to embrace your full femininity.

温柔谦卑当然在外表上很吸引人,它是女性气质的外部特征,就如同女人剪的短发一样。Demureness, to be sure, is outwardly becoming, it is an outward mark of femininity , like bobbed hair.

舞蹈是你身体的延伸,通过跳舞你能找到突出自己女性气质的方法。Dancing is an extension of your body, and through dance you can find ways to emphasize your femininity.