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船绕过海岬。The ship rounded the cape.

小数向下取整。Fractions are rounded down.

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船绕过了岬角。The ship rounded the point.

狐狸转过身来面对着我们。The fox rounded and faced us.

但他已经消失在角落。But he had rounded the corner.

圆形的隆起或突起。A rounded hump or protuberance.

她的眼睛因兴奋而睁得滚圆。Her eyes rounded with excitement.

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他把粘土揉成球形。He rounded the clay into a sphere.

那就是它们,浑圆,丰满。There they were, full and rounded.

他把桌角锯圆。He rounded the corners of the table.

他已进入耄耋之年。He has rounded into his eighth decade.

牧羊犬把所有的羊赶拢在一起。The sheepdog rounded up all the sheep.

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萼片倒卵形,顶端圆形或钝。Sepals obovate, apex rounded or obtuse.

赛跑者拐入了终点直道。The runner rounded into the homestretch.

只要有人需要把猪赶回圈里,招呼我一声就是了。If you need any hogs rounded up, call me.

“怎么了?”其他人都围了过来。"How?"The others all rounded to come over.

他们刚绕过街角汽笛就鸣响了。The sirens blew as they rounded the conner.

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看下面,你现在得到了圆角。There you go. You now have rounded corners.

警察兜捕一个赌博集团的成员。Police rounded up members of a gambling ring.

车子拐弯时向侧面滑去。The car side slipped as it rounded the curve.