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我不由自主的打了个哆嗦,独自行走。I involuntarily dozen cringe, walk alone.

这种不由自主的回音轻轻的荡漾在耳际。Involuntarily the echoes are gently about the ear.

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他下意识地举起手来搔他的头顶。He involuntarily raised his hand to scratch his head.

男生会不由自主地这样做,并且频繁得超乎你的想象。Guys do this involuntarily and more often than you think.

所以你的身体本能地被迫进行痉挛性咳嗽。So involuntarily your body is forced into spastic coughing.

她眼睛瞪得圆圆的,并且还不知不觉地冲着他嫣然一笑。Her eyes enlarged, and she involuntarily smiled in his face.

我喜欢这种凄清的美,莫名所以地喜欢。I involuntarily love this kind of beauty, chilly and lonely.

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我还是身不由己地服从了他,好象是我也没有弄明白似的。Still I involuntarily obeyed him, as if I was not quite sure.

可是我还是身不由己地服从了他,好像是我也没有弄明白似的。Still I involuntarily obeyed him, as if I were not quite sure.

我身不由己,从一家公司收受了一大笔回扣。I've involuntarily accepted a large amount of rebate from a company.

苏珊·尼珀情不自禁又当场重演起来。Susan Nipper involuntarily proceeded to do the like again on the spot.

冰冷和潮湿抱住了你的胸膛,会让你不由自主地打寒颤。The cold and damp hugs your chest, causing you to shiver involuntarily.

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这样庞大的一个业务却始自于一次无心插柳。A so huge business however only then insert willow involuntarily at oneself.

我吸了几口新鲜空气,又不由自主地哼起了小调。I snorted a few mouthfuls of fresh air, but also puts on a minor involuntarily.

达尔文在“抑郁假说”中认为情感会不由自主地流露。Darwin described the 'inhibition hypothesis' where emotions involuntarily leak out.

叶一惊,她若真爱我,会舍得对我怒吼吗,即使是身不由己.。Ye surprised, I love if she would be willing to do for me roar, even involuntarily.

心不由自主痛了痛,他望着她的眼神更加痴缠了!Heart involuntarily anguish pain, he hoped her look in the eyes Chi to tie up extra!

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很快我们最初的心就要被岁月蹉跎,很快我们就可以体会到身不由己的无可奈何。Soon our initial heart will be wasted time, soon we can feel helpless involuntarily.

想到这里,年轻人的眼中不由自主地淌下两行清泪来。Thought of here, young people's eyes involuntarily drips down two lines of clear tears.

停止应当停止与行动未始之前,才不会失当,不会身不由己。Stop should be stopped and action never before, will not be improper, not involuntarily.