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光荣之路常坎坷。The path to glory is always ruffed.

衣衬褴褛的无赖围着高低不平的岩石不停地跑。Round and round the ruffed rock the ragged rascal ran.

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雄松鸡在求偶的时候总是站在空心的圆木上拍动翅膀,发出击鼓般的声音。To find a mate, the male ruffed grouse stands on a hollow log and beats his wings, making a drumming sound.

雄松鸡在求偶的时候总是站在空心的圆木上拍动翅膀,发出击鼓般的声音。To find a mate, the male ruffed grouse1 stands on a hollow log nd beats his wings, making a drumming sound.

雄松鸡在求偶的时候总是站在空心的圆木上拍动翅膀,发出击鼓般的声音。To find a mate, the male ruffed grouse1 stands on a hollow log and beats his wings, making a drumming sound.

雄松鸡在求偶的时间总是站在空心的圆木上拍动翅膀,发出击鼓般的声音。To search a mate, the male ruffed grouse1 stands on a hollow log and beats his wings, making a drumming correct.

红斑狐猴们在地震之前15分钟发出预警呼叫,地震来临时又一次发出警报。The red ruffed lemurs sounded an alarm call about 15 minutes before the quake and then again just after it occurred.

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在白颈狐猴隔壁的是一只褐狐猴,再过去则是一只名叫珠席拉的跳狐猴与她的新生儿。Housed next to the ruffed lemurs is a common brown lemur, and next to it a sifaka named Drusilla with her new infant.

颈部和背部的外层披毛长而硬,雄性在肩胛的毛发也非常丰富,形成脖圈的外观。The outer coat is stiffer and longer on the neck and back, and in males considerably more profuse at the shoulder, giving them a more ruffed appearance.

南非靠近普列登堡湾的灵长类动物保护区内,黑白颈狐猴紧抓著树枝。Black and White Ruffed Lemur clings to a branch at the Monkeyland Primate Sanctuary near Pletteberg Bay on South Africa's scenic Garden Route September 30, 2007.

曾在马达加斯加很常见的黑白颈狐猴,目前已被世界自然保护联盟列为濒临绝种动物。Common to Madagascar, the Black and White Ruffed Lemur is currently classified as Endangered by the World Conservation Union. World Animal Day is commemorated on October 4.