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她浓浓地抹了一层脂粉。She laid the paint on thickly.

不要把油漆涂得太厚。Don't daub the paint on too thickly.

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它可以薄敷,也可以厚涂。They can be applied thinly or thickly.

涂颜料要厚,笔画要匀。Apply the paint thickly in even strokes.

上海市大部分市区人口稠密。Most of Shanghai City is thickly settled.

田野上厚厚地积着一层雪。The fields lay thickly covered with snow.

而黄色色块使用的颜料就厚重多了。The yellow area is painted much more thickly.

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这个家庭住在一个人口居住稠密的地区。The family lived a district thickly inhabited.

大胡子男子会给人一种试图在隐瞒什么的感觉。A thickly bearded man can seem to be hiding something.

只有人们把防晒霜涂得很厚时,15倍的防晒系数才能够起到全天保护的作用。Factor 15 offers all-day protection only if it is applied thickly.

山上到处都是密密麻麻的松柏林。Everywhere on the mountain there are thickly dotted pine and cypress trees.

我们房子底下不远有一山嘴,长满了浓密的喜马拉雅山雪松。Some way below our house there stretched a spur thickly wooded with Deodars.

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这是一座很大很茂密的森林,长满生有各种各样叶子的树。THE FOREST was large and thickly overgrown with all kinds of leaf-bearing trees.

这是一座很大很茂密的森林,长满生有各种叶子的树。The forest was large and thickly overgrown with all kinds of leaf-bearing trees.

大多数器物釉体厚重,然而大部分白色釉却比较薄。Most of the body is thickly glazed , but thinly- glazed areas appear almost white.

他四肢上涂得厚厚的炉甘石液已干成粉白色。His arms and legs were thickly smeared with calamine lotion dried to a chalky white.

走了一个时辰光景,他们走到了一棵矮矮的枝繁叶茂的树旁,树上密密麻麻地挂满了念珠。After an hour, the trail took the by a low, spreading tree strung thickly with beads.

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赫里斯先生凭借过人的手法,在这繁冗复杂的场景里将角色一一编缀起来。With huge skill, Mr Hollis weaves his characters through this thickly detailed scene.

地砖接缝要粗细一致,与墙砖缝对齐。The floor tile joint wants thickly thin consistent, alines with the wall brickwork joint.

把桂花鱼肉切厚片,拌入调味料腌5分钟。Slice the Mandarin fish fillet thickly. Season the fish fillet and marinate for 5 minutes.