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深沙化石岭。Abyssal Sands Fossil Ridge.

这位是来自加拿大的里奇.And this is Ridge from Canada.

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这辆公共汽车是去派克岭的吗?Is this the bus for Park Ridge?

在恩施市鳌脊山顶。Columbus in enshi "mountain ridge."

有蓝岭群山,山纳多河流。Blue ridge mountains shenandoah river.

它被锯齿形的山脊所环绕。Surrounded by a jagged mountain ridge.

陡峭,狭窄的山脊或横岭。A sharp, narrow mountain ridge or spur.

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兰岭山,谢纳多阿河。Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River.

风吹沙子形成的小山。Dune A hill or ridge of wind-blown sand.

驾驶过在蓝色的脊机械翻译中被雾笼罩。Driving through fog in the Blue Ridge Mts.

大桥街是一个去玩的好地方。B ridge Street is a good place to have fun.

进前看,山岗上你能看见什么?Look ahead , what can you see on the ridge?

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覆盖于眉上的拱状短毛。The arch of short hairs covering this ridge.

森林火灾在一个山脊位于奇瓦瓦,墨西哥。Forest fires on a ridge in Chihuahua, Mexico.

输入脚跟高脊线步行很舒服。Enter at heel high ridge walk is very comfortable.

雪花落了,思念走近山梁。Snow fall, and miss approached the mountain ridge.

在山顶的坦克是特别脆弱的。Tanks cresting a ridge are particularly vulnerable.

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适合的整地方式为高垅整地。The high ridge was the appropriate soil preparation.

山梁的前后左右都是日军的遗尸。There were dead Japanese lying all about this ridge.

他们沿着滑溜溜的山脊慢慢前进。They were inching their way along the slippery ridge.