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无性繁殖作物,如马铃薯、甘薯、甘蔗以及多年生果树等。Asexually propagated crops, such as potato, sweet potato, sugar cane, fruit trees, etc.

2006年12月,英国切斯特动物园发现一条雌性巨蜥无性繁殖。Flora, a female Komodo dragon, reproduced asexually at Chester Zoo in Britain in December 2006.

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许多类型的细胞,象皮肤细胞和白细胞具有强有力的无性繁殖能力。Numerous types of cells, such as skin cells and white blood cells, have the power reproduce asexually.

其他植物具单性花,即只有一种功能性雌蕊或雄蕊。Other plants bear unisexual flowers, with only stamens or carpels functional, and others reproduce asexually.

无性繁殖的生物复制使用有丝分裂,而有性繁殖的生物繁殖使用减数分裂。Asexually reproducing organisms reproduce using mitosis, while sexually reproducing organisms reproduce using meiosis.

蚊虫叮咬人的时候就释放出子孢子,它通过血流进入肝细胞,并且进行无性生殖。When the mosquito bites, it releases the sporozoites, which enter human liver cells through the bloodstream and reproduce asexually.

其中大多数品种作为植物保留在室外养殖场,每年通过无性繁殖以确保不同作物的基因不会互串,从而确保其遗传特性。Reproducing them asexually allows the researchers to ensure the genes of the different plants don't mix, preserving their genetic identity.

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这些物种按环境不确定的时期安排它们有性生殖的时间,当条件较为有利时它们进行无性繁殖。These species time their sexual reproduction with periods of environmental uncertainty, and reproduce asexually when conditions are more favourable.

但是由于许多作物是无性繁殖的——产生的是克隆,而非通过种子繁殖——这个种子库的过程远远不那么简单。But because many of the crops reproduce asexually — producing clones, rather than reproducing through seeds — the banking process is far from simple.

一些动物和植物通过无性生殖“原则上可以拥有永恒不灭的生命”,根据哥德堡大学发布的新闻稿。Some animals and plants that reproduce asexually "can in principle achieve essentially eternal life," according to a University of Gothenburg press release.

不像原生动物和细菌那样,能够摄取营养并进行无性繁殖,病毒不能够自行生存或繁殖。Whereas protozoa and bacteria are both living organisms that are able to take in nutrition and reproduce asexually , viruses cannot live or reproduce on their own.

例如,植物有时将体细胞突变通过无性或有性过程传递给后代,而花芽可能由植物的体细胞变异部分发育。For example, plants can sometimes transmit somatic mutations to their descendants asexually or sexually where flower buds develop in somatically mutated parts of plants.

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我可以从它们中任意一条开始进化,也就是说,我可以从那条胖鱼或那条小蓝鱼中任选一条无性变异生出新鱼,或者让这一对儿进行交配,从它们结合出的后代中挑选。I could evolve from either, that is, I could asexually mutate new fish from either the fat yellow one or the tiny blue one, or I could mate the pair and select from their joint offspring.