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我的司机是一位纯化论者。My driver is a purist.

一种最纯粹的形式独轮车,无曲柄。A purist form of unicycle, without cranks.

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仅仅是为了纯正的"自由市场"理想?Just to satisfy a purist "free market" ideal?

在许多方面,Veasey是一个纯粹的手工艺生意人。In many ways, Veasey is a craft business purist.

做一个纯粹的面向对象开发人员有其优势所在。Being an object oriented purist has its advantages.

不过你不一定需要是一个纯创作人,才能欣赏Ive。But you don't have to be a creative purist to appreciate what Ive does.

一个纯化论者会争辩一个对象应该永不传递一个消息给它本身。A purist would argue that an object should never send a message to itself.

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这个比较简单的一种变体是特别适合使用美洲勒芒网格计算在跑道上。This purist variant of the GT3 is particularly suited for use on the track.

在表示方面,您是一个纯粹主义者,因此您不希望包含突出显示域。You're a purist about presentation, so you want to exclude the highlight domain.

这种情况所涉及的收入模式问题我真的不关心,我只是想说句公道话。I really am not caring at this point about the revenue model – I am trying to be a purist.

再用活氧因子PFP将肌肤调整至纯净自然的新生状态,为肌肤持久水润打好基础。And than use the oxygen activating factor PFP to adjust your skin to the purist and natural newly-born condition.

自那以来,房地产市场造就了政府和房地产大鳄几乎牢不可破的联盟,这种市场无法令任何自由市场纯粹主义者满意。The property market that has since developed, an almost impenetrable blend of government and tycoons, could satisfy no free-market purist.

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但是我是个纯化论者,不希望有任何碎片,坚持将系统安装到一个纯净的,没有任何污点的分区。But I'm the purist type who hates even the thought of leaving any detritus around and insists upon a clean install to a pure, unsullied partition.

因此,挑战2006年卸任的美联储主席阿兰.格林斯潘的纯粹自由市场观念更加艰难,凯希迪认为网络和房产泡沫,格林斯潘难辞其咎。And it may have made it harder to challenge the purist free-market views of Alan Greenspan, the Federal Reserve chairman until 2006 whom Mr Cassidy partly blames for the dotcom and housing bubbles.