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有利于预防性治疗的因素包括Factors in favor of prophylactic treatment

常服紧急避孕药有没有负作用?Does urgent prophylactic lose mufti action?

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该地区开始成功地用奎宁作为预防剂。The region began to use quinine successfully as a prophylactic.

一个月吃两次紧急避孕药,这个月经期会延迟吗?!A month eats urgent prophylactic twice, this menses meeting defer? !

人们一般认为大蒜是对付吸血鬼的有效预防措施。Garlic has been regarded as an effective prophylactic against vampires.

我们知道,连续服用避孕药可使月经暂时停止。We know, take prophylactic to be able to make continuously menstrual intermit.

预防性使用抗菌药物不能降低VAP的发生率。Prophylactic use of antimicrobial agents could not decrease the incidence of VAP.

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如果接触到水痘或麻疹,考虑抗感染预防性治疗。If exposed to chickenpox or measles, consider anti-infective prophylactic therapy.

吃避孕药后来的月经,走后的安全期还准吗?Eat prophylactic the menstruation later, the safety after going period accurate still?

一般而言,世卫组织不建议使用抗病毒药物进行预防。In general, WHO does not recommend the use of antiviral drugs for prophylactic purposes.

胺碘酮的唯一预防性使用适应症是心脏外科手术期间。The only role for prophylactic amiodarone is in the perioperative period of cardiac surgery.

结论预防性用小剂量的氯胺酮可有效预防术后寒战。Conclusion Prophylactic low-dose of ketamine is effective in preventing postoperative shivering.

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本发明提供一种后眼部疾病的新型预防或治疗剂。The invention provides a novel prophylactic or therapeutic agent for a posterior ocular disease.

通常情况下还会酌情预防性使用抗生素,尤其是在外伤性或手术性擦伤时。Prophylactic antibiotics are commonly prescribed, especially for traumatic or surgical abrasions.

有的特殊药物如避孕药等,也有可能引起失眠的副作用。Some special medicaments are like prophylactic to wait, cause insomnious side effect likely also.

我分别拥有预防和治疗艾滋病病毒感染的预防和治疗疫苗。I have HIV prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines for prevention and treatment of HIV infection respectively.

现在,很多手术中心已经不常规对每个病人使用抗呕吐药物。Many surgical centers hae abandoned the routine administration of prophylactic anti- emetics to eery patient.

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尚无证据支持利巴韦林作为拉沙热暴露后预防性治疗的作用。There is no evidence to support the role of ribavirin as post-exposure prophylactic treatment for Lassa fever.

现在,很多手术中心已经不常规对每个病人使用抗呕吐药物。Many surgical centers have abandoned the routine administration of prophylactic anti- emetics to every patient.

这给依那普利在心肌梗死患者长期治疗和二级预防上又提供了一个重要依据。This novel effect of enalapril may have an important therapeutic and prophylactic implication in patients with MI.