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而且它还有其他事与愿违的效应。And it has had other untoward effects.

的确,现在一切不顺心的事都小心瞒著詹姆士。Indeed, anything untoward was now kept from James.

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其中最常见的不良反应就是低血格。And the most common untoward effect is the low blood standard.

结论可多华可明显减少药物的不良反应。Conclusion Cardura could reduce medicine untoward reaction obviously.

这些名词意指对某些迫近的不吉之事的焦虑。These nouns denote consternation that something untoward may be impending.

结果所有受血者未出现输血不良反应。Results Therefore has not appeared the blood the blood transfusion untoward effect.

他严肃对待这种荣誉,不骄傲自大,好像这不过是他的本份。He bore the honor gravely and with no untoward conceit , as though it were only his due.

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目的提高现有抗癌药物的靶向性,降低其不良反应。Aim To improve the target activity of anticancer medicines and reduce their untoward effects.

这是个事上有点儿不太顺遂的月份,可能有些麻烦的事要发生。This is slightly a difficult month on the job front. Some untoward incident is likely to happen.

而遇上突发状况时,她更是手忙脚乱,而一点小事也能让她过度反应。She is also prone to fly into a state of panic whenever something untoward happens, however trivial.

结论舒必利可提高马来酸曲美布汀的疗效,且不良反应较轻。CONCLUSION Sulpiride can improve the therapeutical effect of trimebutine-maleate and with a little untoward effect.

研究者表示这位患者的病史里并没有其他疾病或不良反应。The patient had no other physical problems or anything else untoward in his medical history, say the investigators.

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他离职退休后,警方希望传唤他讯问,不过他矢口否认一切违法事务。After he left office, the police said they wished to question him. Mr Roh denied that anything untoward had happened.

中国顽固地坚持并非不幸的事发生在东欧导致了它的觉醒。China's dogged insistence that nothing untoward was happening in eastern Eur ope ensured that its awakening would be harsh.

我国已有不少与感冒通有关的不良反应报导,主要是服用以后出现血尿。Our country had many passes the related untoward effect with cold to report that mainly will be takes later presents hematuria.

参观者来到Rongwo寺,这颗坐卧在青藏高原边上,闪耀着700年斑驳历史的宝刹,也许已视不幸为无物了。VISITORS to Rongwo Monastery, a sprawling 700-year-old complex on the edge of the Tibetan plateau, might notice little untoward.

这名前锋坚持在赛季结束后再和球队进行新合同的续约谈判,但是他坚持在他的决定里并没有什么不顺利的东西。The striker has put on-hold talks over a new contract until the end of the season, but insists there's nothing untoward in his decision.

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当天王星运动作为时,恒久不知道会产生什么,但是为难通常指示出一个繁难或反面谐事产生的倾向。When Uranus is involved, you never know what to expect, but an opposition usually indicates a propensity for untoward or jarring events.

目的观察右旋糖酐铁静脉注射治疗尿毒症致肾性贫血的疗效和不良反应。Objective To investigate the curative effect and untoward effect of intravenous therapy with iron dextran for renal anemia induced by uremia.

其实不然,这些药物都有不同程度的不良反应,用得不好也会出现严重的药源性疾病。Is in effect it is not so, these medicines have the varying degree untoward effect, with will not be good will also present the serious medicine source disease.