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它叫做翻译机。It's called an interpreter.

我想当口语翻译。I want to be an interpreter.

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你可以做我的翻译吗?Can you act as my interpreter?

要不要一位翻译员呢?With or without an interpreter?

我们聘请她做翻译。We engaged her as an interpreter.

他给我们当翻译。He serves as an interpreter for us.

我们提供口语翻译一职。We have a position for an interpreter.

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他是政府的同声传译。He's an interpreter for the government.

我想可以,我以前做过译员。I think so.I used to be an interpreter.

在近东地区的翻译员。An interpreter and guide in the near east.

你充当的是员工代言人这个角色。You serve as interpreter for the employees.

一个口译人员也可做翻译的工作。Andan interpreter might work asa translator.

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一名热情的年轻译员陪伴着他。An intense young interpreter accompanied him.

这时解释器看到的,对吗?This is what the interpreter sees. All right?

翻译官策马走向人群。An interpreter approached the group of gazers.

一个口译员负责处理美国手语。One interpreter handles American sign language.

那家公司把我们的最好的译员引诱过去了。The firm has enticed away our best interpreter.

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处理器会对表达式运算得到一个结果值。The interpreter is going to get a value for it.

打开您的解释程序,和我一起编码。Open up your interpreter and code along with me.

有钱能使鬼推磨,但有时需要一个传话筒。Money talks, but sometimes it needs an interpreter.