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在补给后,进展比开始要好。Progress since the resupply has been better than at first.

其次,再补给任务的运输空间就只有这么大。And second, there's only so much room aboard the resupply missions.

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当地球和火星靠的最近的时候,你可以每两年给基地重新补给一次。You can resupply every two years, when Earth and Mars are at their nearest proximity.

在这种情况下,设计师可以根据需要频繁地进行修改,并重新提供标记页面。In this case, the designer can make changes as often as needed and resupply the markup page.

他们在补给中多放了些暖脚片和衣物,现在脚趾头感觉好多了。They put extra feet warmers and dressings in with the resupply so it's feeling a lot better.

当陆战队的卡车运来补给物资时,在回程时将大约100名受伤的陆战队员带回了兴南。When Marine trucks came up with resupply , they carried back to Hungnam about 100 wounded Marines.

支援兵的弹药消耗很快,需要突击兵来补给他们。Support players will deplete ammunition quickly, and will need the rifleman class to resupply them.

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突击兵和支援兵的装备之一,可以补给所有种类的弹药,包括反坦克火箭、手雷和战地止血包。Used by rifleman to resupply all types of ammo, including AT rockets, grenades and field dressings.

所有的包装——和穿过的衣服以及其他垃圾一起——被送入空无一物的无人再补给运载火箭里。All that packaging -- along with used clothing and other waste -- goes into the empty, unmanned resupply vehicles.

用平衡的膳食和富含蛋白质、天然脂肪同时低淀粉和低糖的点心来再次补充身体能量。Resupply yourself with balanced meals and snacks that always include protein, natural fats and low-starch carbohydrates.

高压气组合支援太空漫步运算而且增加“星辰”号服务舱气再供给系统。The high pressure gas assembly supports spacewalk operations and augments the Zvezda Service Module gas resupply system.

该故障将使破冰船停止支持再补给给麦克默多站的深冻行动。The breakdown will keep the icebreaker from supporting Operation Deep Freeze in the resupply of McMurdo Station, Antarctica.

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突击兵的补给能力对于小队是无价的,是这个兵种成为最有用的兵种之一。The Rifleman's ability to resupply teammates ammunition is invaluable to the team, making this one of the most useful classes.

俄罗斯,欧洲和日“u200b”u200b本的货运飞船将继续他们的补给和废物处置飞行的轨道实验室。Russian, European and Japanese cargo spacecraft will continue their resupply and waste disposal flights to the orbiting laboratory.

这还意味着要切断真主党的军火补给,即使这种海陆空封锁将使黎巴嫩的经济滑至谷底。It also means cutting off Hizbullah's resupply , even if the subsequent blockade by land, sea and air brings Lebanon's economy to its knees.

此外,8月和10月对小分队的成功补给,也可以说明他们并未被策反。Moreover, it could be argued that the success of the August and October missions to resupply the team indicated that the team had not been doubled.

你需要找到空间基地以对飞船进行快速维修并进行补给,也可以发现并探索很多新的、不寻常的行星。Additionally you'll need to find starbases for quick repairs and to resupply and may also discover new and unusual planets to beam down and explore.

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由于沿途只在海上补给船或岸基加油站作短暂停留,这个部队单位几小时内就能到达目的地。With short halts along the way at seaborne resupply vessels or land-based refueling sites, the force package would reach its objective within hours.

在部署执行货物补给任务之前,该技术将在现实运作环境中通过K-MAX无人直升机进行演示。Prior to being deployed for cargo resupply missions, the technology will be demonstrated in an operationally realistic environment on the unmanned K-MAX.

为加速潜艇周转时间,机组人员和补给港口,以及三个大型物流舱口有大型专用码头用来提供补给和维修。To speed the time in port for crew turnover and replenishment, three large logistics hatches are fitted to provide large diameter resupply and repair openings.