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学习不能凭空想象。Studing can't be imagination.

她的想象力非常丰富。She has plenty of imagination.

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儿童们往往有丰富的幻想力。She has plenty of imagination.

但它活在我的想象之中。But he lived in my imagination.

他有丰富的想象力。He has a bounteous imagination.

他的想像脱离事实,想入非非。His imagination outruns the facts.

它只存在于他的想象。It exists only in his imagination.

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信仰是精神化了的想象。Faith is spiritualized imagination.

他是一个富有念像力的做家。He is a writer of rich imagination.

米尔格林姆有惊人的想象力。Milgram had a powerful imagination.

这首诗活络了他的想像力。The poem quickened his imagination.

想象力即你的弹药。Your Imagination is the Ammunition.

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读者要有想像力“The reader should have imagination."

想像又扮演着怎样的角色?What is the role of the imagination?

这的确能够激发想象力。It certainly excites the imagination.

她的疼痛多半是纯粹想像出来的东西。Her pains are mostly pure imagination.

他的想像力立即活跃起来。His imagination quickened immediately.

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以下是我的浮想联翩之一。The following is one of my imagination.

她的想像力似乎已枯竭了。Her imagination seemed to have dried up.

来吧,开编吧,运用你的想象力。Make something up. Use your imagination.