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我离开时,她仍在闲聊。She was still gassing when I left.

好了,我不能整天坐在这里闲聊。Well, I can't sit here gassing all day.

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我走的时候,那些女孩子们还在胡扯。The girls were still gassing when I left.

它非常可能含有邻苯二甲酸盐,且正在挥发化学物。Chances are it contains phthalates and are out gassing chemicals.

什么是出出气,它是怎么用蜡画蜡画?What is out gassing and how is it used in encaustic wax painting?

她老是吹嘘她那十二岁男孩的绘画技能。She was always gassing about her twelve- year- old boy's skill in drawing.

在近些年,用二氧化碳冻住它们或者毒死它们的方法也在采用。In recent years, freezing or gassing them with carbon dioxide has been used.

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从开始到结束,对动物完成毒气安乐死的过程只需要25分钟左右。From start to finish, the process of gassing an animal takes about 25 minutes.

虽然毒气,我看到一些卡车大的白色塑料袋的东西去了。While gassing up, I saw some trucks loaded with big white bags of something go by.

然后,他没有空谈,而是很快地安排议程。这种简洁精练的方式是其他人很少采用的。Then he lays out the agenda quickly and without gassing on and on , a laconic style that few others in the room practice.

威尔森发现意志消沉的工人开始用煤气或是用枪自杀—至少在一件案例里,射杀了一个地主。Wilson discovered demoralized workers driven to gassing or shooting themselves—and, in at least one case, shooting a landlord.

阿里·哈桑·马基德,伊拉克前政府官员,绰号“化学阿里”,因下令对库尔德人释放毒气而被判死刑。Ali Hassan al-Majid, a former Iraqi official known as Chemical Ali, has been sentenced to death for ordering the gassing of Kurds.

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发气实验验证了铝粉颜料经硅烷偶联剂处理后,其在水性涂料中的稳定性比未经处理的铝粉颜料有明显提高。It turned to be water-inert and hydrophilic after aluminum pigment modified which have validate by the gassing stability experiments.

过度新鲜的空气制造浪费能源,能加速腐蚀而且造成分配吹笛的区域过度的远气体处理。Excess ozone production wastes energy, can accelerate corrosion and result in excessive off gassing in the area of the distribution piping.

同时,对稠环芳烃含量对变压器油析气性和氧化安定性的影响进行了研究。Simultaneity the article researched the influence of polyaromatic content on gassing properties and oxidation stability of transformer oils.

政府官员试过了囚禁、毒气攻击与安乐死来控制一处市立公园内大肆繁殖的松鼠。现在,他们打算试试节育的方法。Officials have tried poison, gassing and euthanasia to control a breeding frenzy among squirrels in a city park. Now, they plan to give birth control a shot.

当我们走近朗维尔,天空是昏暗不祥,并施放毒气后,后续我们认为我们会停止吃午饭,看看天气,我们在商店。As we approached Longview, the skies were darkening ominously , and after gassing up we thought we'd stop for lunch and see what the weather had in store for us.

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一本古书散发出来的熟悉的霉味源于纸张或其它如装订线等材料发出的数百种不同的挥发性有机化合物。An old book's familiar musty smell is due to hundreds of different volatile organic compounds gassing out from the paper and other materials, such as the binding.

通过“加气机设计”和“安普利节能水下灯设计”两个具体的设计案例,详细阐述了如何在受到材料、加工工艺等限制下如何设计出低成本且具有较高艺术价值的外观造型。This article will expound how to aquire high quality sculpt under the limit of material and technics through two designs—design of gassing machine and design of Anpuli lamp.

纳粹德国所制定的反犹太主义政策,致使犹太人遭放逐、隔离和屠杀,后来又被关进中欧的集中营,被集体饿死、虐杀和毒杀。Anti-Jewish economic and nationalistic policies led to deportations, ghettos , massacres, and then to the starvation, torture and gassing of Jewish people in the concentration camps of central Europe.