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这回,让他们追着咱吧。Let them chase us.

我最喜欢带劲的追踪。I love a good chase.

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追捕继续着。The chase continues.

所以不要加入追截。So don't join the chase.

安得鲁想要追求她。Andrew wanted to chase her.

姑娘追?追谁?Girls' chase? Chasing whom?

大通和约翰C安德伍德。Chase and John C. Underwood.

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让我们象风一样地去追逐梦想!Chase after them as the wind!

猫会追逐动来动去的东西。Cats will chase moving things.

我去参加姑娘追了。I'm going for the girls' chase.

雄鹰不捕苍蝇。The eagle does not chase flies.

把那条狗赶出花园去。Chase that dog out of the garden.

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我们开始沿小路追赶。We gave chase along the footpath.

曾经发了疯的追,现在拼了命的退。The chase was mad, mad now retire.

如果我逃开了,你会来追吗?Would you chase me if I did?

我把整个猎捕的画面都拍下来了。I took pictures of the whole chase.

这必定是一场了不得的跟踪追击。It must have been a wonderful chase.

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何时何年才能成功?When, which year he could chase sun?

警察在追捕那小偷。The police are in chase of the thief.

他穿过一条小溪才得以躲过追击。He cross a brook and avoided the chase.