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别自悲,暴牙很好!Fasten from Bei, tusk is very good!

他书房的墙上装饰着一支巨大的象牙。A huge tusk decorated the wall of his study.

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在建设电厂的时候,发现了猛犸的长牙。Mammoth’s tusk which was found during the construction.

图斯克表示,他们已率先吊唁。Tusk said they had been the first to offer condolences.

这里唯一的废柴人渣是你呀!断牙帮!轰杀这狗才!Only filth Torak see is you! Broken Tusk Clan! Slay this dog!

野猪的獠牙陷在了树里,绝望地嗥叫着。The wild boar had its tusk sunk deeply into a tree and howled desperately.

“我不会把今天发生的事描述为对波兰的失败,”图斯克说。"I would not describe what is going on today as a defeat for Poland, " Tusk said.

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当天下午,梅德韦杰夫还与波兰总理图斯克举行了会谈。In the afternoon, Medvedev also held talks with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

一只在体重上占优势,而且用长牙猛刺。另一只没有让步。One gains a height advantage, and jabs with a tusk strike. The scrum doesn't let up.

首先找到进入博物馆的门,然后从自然历史展区拿到猛犸象牙。First find the key to the museum, then get the mammoth tusk from the natural history wing.

波方希望同中方在经贸、文化、科技等领域开展富有成效的合作。Tusk voiced his hope to cooperate with China on trade, culture and science and technology.

一个摸到了象鼻子就把它描述成蛇,一个摸到了象牙就把大象形容成了一只矛,诸如此类。One feels its trunk and describes a snake, one feels its tusk and describes a spear and so on.

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普京的发言人说,普京将向图斯克做就此次空难做简短介绍。Putin told Tusk that he would keep him fully briefed on the investigation, his spokesman said.

这段日子对我来说太艰难了,所以我来求你给我一小片象牙。As these times are very difficult for me, I have come to beg from you just a little piece of tusk.

正如图斯克对普京所言,“揭开尘封的真相可以激励两国人民探寻和解的道路。As Tusk told Putin, “A word of truth can mobilize two peoples looking for the road to reconciliation.

卡钦斯基2005年12月成为总统后,在当年的选举中击败了图斯克。Lech Kaczynski became president in December 2005 after defeating Tusk in that year's presidential vote.

奥巴马总统将会晤波兰总统科莫罗斯基以及波兰总理图斯克。Obama will be meeting with Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

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诚然,图斯克似乎支持他的卫生部长,去年秋天当她拒绝购买猪流感疫苗。True, Tusk appeared to support his health minister when she refused to buy the swine flu vaccine last autumn.

图斯克表示,此访过程中亲眼目睹了中国改革开放以来在国家建设方面所取得的伟大成就。Tusk said during his current visit he has witnessed in person China’s great achievements in national development.

你不需要担心那象牙之前的钥匙,因为你如果你要进博物馆,你必须拿到钥匙,而这扇门就是博物馆的闸门机制。There's no worry about collecting the tusk before the key, because the door to the museum is the gating mechanism.