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全德和薇诺娜排队买东西吃。Trent and Winona wait in line to get something to eat.

薇诺娜·赖德实则是选择这款短发的先驱,她在1997年完美的诠释了这种发型,并引发了它的风靡。Winona Ryder practically pioneered the pixie hair craze in 1997.

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薇诺娜瑞德扮演前领舞谁是由龚如心所取代。Winona Ryder plays the former lead dancer who was replaced by Nina.

薇诺娜·赖德担心生孩子会结束她的表演生涯。Winona Ryder is worried having children could end her acting career.

维诺娜·莱德、希尔和劳拉·弗琳·波拉都是帕耶作品的爱好者。Winona Ryder, Seal and Lara Flynn Boyle are all fans of Payer's line.

1928年的夏天,19岁的维诺娜第一次遇见了高个英俊的爱德华。Winona was 19 when she first met Edward, a tall, handsome young man, in the summer of 1928.

女模凯特�莫斯和女星薇诺娜�瑞德就是深深被赫本风格影响的其中两位。The model Kate Moss and actress Winona Ryder are two who many think have been influenced by her style.

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这是我在大学的第一天,明尼苏达州的威诺娜州立大学,一所虽小却干净整洁的校园。It was my first day on campus. The Winona State University of Minnesota, a small but neat and clean school.

众所周知,银幕之下的他情迷于漂亮迷人的女人,比如乌玛·瑟曼,薇诺娜·瑞德,伊萨贝拉·罗塞里尼。Off screen he has famously seduced beautiful women such as Uma Thurman, Winona Ryder and Isabella Rossellini.

好莱坞女影星维诺娜。赖德在2001年曾经因为不光彩的商店盗窃行为而被捕。Actress Winona Ryder refused to feel guilty in the aftermath of her infamous 2001 shoplifting arrest, because she didn't harm anyone.

好莱坞女星威诺娜·赖德平常总是喜欢穿蓝色的牛仔服和紧身背心,但她在2002年因被指控在商店里行窃而出庭受审时,却穿了一件正统的黑衬衫,显得很端庄。Winona Ryder, usually seen in blue jeans and tight tops, was buttoned into ladylike outfits by Marc Jacobs for her trial on shoplifting charges in Los Angeles in 2002.

11月6日,美国31岁的女影星薇诺娜-赖德被判偷窃罪——在贝佛利山庄豪华的萨克斯第五大道商店偷窃了价值5500美元的服装以及与之相搭配的饰物。On 6 November 31-year-old actress Winona Ryder was convicted of shoplifting ,500 worth of clothing and accessories from the posh Saks Fifth Avenue store in Beverly Hills.

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他们到了婚礼招待的地方后不久,爱得华从屋子的一旁认出了维诺娜,他慢慢地走向她,他们挥手打招呼时,维诺娜心跳加速。Soon after they got to the wedding reception, Ed spotted Winona from the other side of the room. He walked slowly over to her. Winona's heart was racing as they shook hands and said hello.