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能借我用睫毛夹吗?Can I use your eyelash curler?

连个卷睫毛夹都怕。You're afraid of an eyelash curler.

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我使用的是资生堂睫毛夹。I'm using Shiseido's Eyelash Curler.

这个发卷把我的头发拉得太紧了。That curler is pulling my hair too tight.

好的。要把睫毛烫卷曲吗?。I will, and curl it with the eyelash curler?

非常抱歉。我将把波浪做得蓬松一点。I'm SO sorry. I'll loosen this curler a little.

他拿起植村秀的睫毛器问我这是什么。She held up the Shu Uemura eyelash curler and said, What is this?

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记得在使用前稍微加热睫毛夹,这样才能达到最佳效果!Remember to mildly heat the curler before you use it for the best results!

憩让眼睫毛看起来长一点,你需要一只好的睫毛膏和一个睫毛夹。To make your eyelashes look longer, you need a good mascara and an eyelash curler.

用睫毛刷卷起睫毛,然后刷上睫毛膏。Use an eyelash curler to curl lashes first—this will open the eye and groom the lashes.

然后尽力地将睫毛卷去油涂在你的睫毛根部,使下面的工作更好做。Then squeeze an eyelash curler as close as you can get to your roots, and work your way up.

睫毛夹足够热时夹睫毛,小心不要灼伤眼睑,不要把睫毛夹弄太热了。Curl your lashes when the curler is warm enough. Be careful and do not burn your eyelid. Do not make the curler too hot.

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植树秀睫毛夹最经典,是专业化妆师的首选,但便宜一些的睫毛夹也能创造奇迹。The Shu Uemora curler is the most iconic, used by professional makeup artists, but even a cheaper curler can work wonders.

眼睛向下看,将睫毛卷放在接近睫毛根部的地方,轻轻固定住,向前移动,反复两次。Looking downward, place the curler near the root of the eyelash and slightly hold it and move toward its point for two times.

使硅胶垫对齐您的上睫毛基线,同时用力按住手柄几秒钟,然后轻轻的从卷睫毛上移开。Allign rubber pad at base of upper lashes. Press handles together and hold for several seconds. Gently release and remove curler from lashes.

现已广泛应用于煮水器、汤发夹、保温器、保温瓶、电热板、电汤门、干燥器、暖手器等小型发热电器上。Now it is widely used in a series of small electrical heater such as hair curler , temperature invariable cup, temperature invariable bottle, electrical hot board, dryer, hand warmer and so on.