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“我带你们去见森林之王吧。”狐狸说。"I will take you to the King," said Fox Lox.

MJ可显著提高苹果果皮中LOX活性。MJ significantly increased LOX activity in apple pericarp.

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这几个人喘着气把箱子拖过这个房间。The men were puffing and panting as they pulled the lox across the room.

而乙烯利处理果实的LOX活性高于对照,但活性变化幅度没有1-MCP的效应明显。But the change amplitude of LOX activity was not so obvious as that treated by 1-MCP.

显示了如何阀门和监管机构的供应压力,氦,以燃料和液氧坦克。Shows how the valves and regulators supply pressurized helium to the fuel and LOX tanks.

小鸡、公鸡、鸭子、鹅还有火鸡就跟在狐狸背后。So Chicken Little, Hen Pen, Duck Luck, Goose Loose, and Turkey Lurkey ran after Fox Lox.

在摇晃的鹰架和管架上作业,且在中部和上部未安装护栏。Working from swinging scaffolds and "Tube Lox"scaffold not equipped with mid and top rail.

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小鸡、公鸡、鸭子、鹅还有火鸡一直跑啊跑啊,直到他们遇见狐狸。Chicken Little, Hen Pen, Duck Luck, Goose Loose and Turkey Lurkey ran till they met Fox Lox.

冰箱里总是有冷切盘,熏鲑鱼和橘子汁,不用花钱就能吃到。The fridge is always stocked with cold cuts, lox and orange juice, available free of charge.

腌制三文鱼采用贝果圈的传统装饰配料,同时搭配奶油干酪,通常以卷薄片售卖。Lox is the traditional topping of bagels with cream cheese and is most often served thinly sliced.

转子动力学问题是液体火箭发动机研制中最复杂的问题之一。Rotor dynamic is one of the most complicated problems in development of LOX turbopump of liquid rocket engine.

当冷藏果实转入20℃货架期,上述效应迅速被逆转,表现为LOX活性增,ACC含量上升,乙烯合成增加,果实进入后熟软化。LOX activity rapidly increased, ACC accumulated and ethylene climacteric appeared in fruit on shelf at 20℃after cold storage.

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飞行和资格LOX箱是最终的物品,需要为第一次飞行在VAC焊接在一起。The flight and qualification LOX tanks are the finalarticles that need to be welded together in the VAC for the first flight.

通过轴承、端面密封组件在液氧、液氮中的运转试验,可为发动机研制提供准确数据。The operation tests of bearing and face seal components in LOX and liquid nitrogen provided accurate data for future engine development.

在盐激发子存在的条件下,IPT、ABA两种处理都能够增强水稻细胞的PAL和LOX基因的表达。And when the salt elicitor was added, the expression of PAL and LOX genes were enhanced observably in the cells treated with IPT and ABA.

探讨了聚合物材料与液氧相容性的本质,得出“聚合物与液氧的不相容性在本质上是一种氧化燃烧反应”的结论。The essence of the LOX compatibility of polymer was approached which indicated that the non-compatibility is an oxidation-combustion reaction.

即在诱导剂的处理下,烟草愈伤组织中发生重组反应,基因组中的选择标记基因被删除。The inducer-treatment of tobacco callus mediates an excision event in which the selectable marker gene and Cre gene between two lox sites were deleted.

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文中重点论述液氧在垂直板翅槽道中两相流压力降及传热的计算模型与程序。The paper primarily deals with the calculating models and the programmes of two-phase pressure drop and heat transfer of Lox in vertical plate-fin channels.

脂氧合酶催化反应生成的氢过氧化物促使信号分子形成的能力与该氢过氧化物的位置特异性及立体旋光性有关。The ability of LOX products to initiate the synthesis of different signaling molecules is determined by the positional and stereospecific nature of the hydroperoxides produced.

从披萨到绿色沙拉,到德国香肠、意式蔬菜汤、熏鲑鱼和百吉饼、香草三明治,美食供应应有尽有。Snacks served at the Coffee Club vary from pizzas to green salads. German sausage, minestrone soup, lox on bagels, and focaccia sandwiches round out Coffee Club's large selection of food.