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“它们都是捏造的,”契塔回答说,这回用的是英语。“They are fake, ” Chita says, in English.

我问咖啡馆老板知不知道契塔在哪儿,他说需要先打电话问一下。I ask the owner if he knows where Chita is, and he offers to call him.

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几分钟以后,契塔从街角现身,慢慢走了咖啡馆。A few minutes later, Chita walks around the corner and ambles into the café.

简单聊了几句之后,他挂断了电话,告诉我说契塔在布加勒斯特。After a brief phone conversation, he hangs up and tells me that Chita is in Bucharest.

2008年1月,一位告密者向斯托伊卡透露了两个手机号码,这两个号码的主人都是契塔的手下。In January 2008, an informant gave Stoica the cell numbers of two men working for Chita.

契塔继续用罗马尼亚语诉说着自己的无辜,那对夫妇热情洋溢的在为他做着翻译。Chita continues with his defense in Romanian, and the couple translates enthusiastically.

当我问到那些窃听的谈话该怎么解释时,契塔的保镖大声打断了我们的交谈。I press Chita about the wiretapped conversations, but his tattooed bodyguard interrupts loudly.

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年轻男子说他从朋友那里听说契塔的,也在报纸上见过契塔的大名。The young man says he’s heard about Chita from his friends and has seen his name in the papers.

他又打了几分钟电话,再次挂断以后让我坐在这里等,契塔已经在路上了。He spends a few more minutes on the phone, then hangs up again and asks me to sit. Chita is on his way.

又有两个人坐了过来——角桌里的那对年轻夫妇赶过来问候契塔,他们带着谄媚的笑容何他握手。Two other men join us.The young couple from the corner comes over to greet Chita with fawning smiles and handshakes.

首先人们把窗户从先前苏联官员居住的大楼上拆下来并卖给赤塔。First they removed the windows from the prefabricated buildings where the officers had once lived and sold them in Chita.

这两名男子都是罗马尼亚人,最终他们承认自己是为某个组织效力的箭头,警方通过该组织追溯到了契塔。The pair turned out to be Romanian and eventually confessed to being arrows for an organization authorities traced back to Chita.

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在决定将移动到西伯利亚一年教在赤塔国立技术大学,我开始了一个不同于任何其他旅行奥德赛。After deciding to move to Siberia for a year to teach at the Chita State Technical University, I embarked on a travel odyssey unlike any other.

其他人都笑了起来,契塔吸完最后一口烟,然后站了起来,他似乎没心情讨论什么证据。The two men beside him laugh, and Chita takes a final drag from his cigarette before rising from his chair. He's in no mood to discuss the evidence.

比莉·珍·金多年来一直致力于争取女性参加体育运动的公开权利。Janet Davison Rowley, actress Chita Rivera, and tennis great Billie Jean King, who devoted years to opening opportunities for woman and girls in sports.

据斯托伊卡透露,契塔一开始是个住在英国的箭头角色,由于表现出色,地位得以提升,他最终雇佣了几个朋友建立了一个属于自己的犯罪圈子。Stoica says Chita started out as an arrow in the UK, and he was good.He moved up the ranks and eventually hired a few friends to establish his own ring.

警察监控了这两部手机,第二天其中的一部手机向契塔发送了一条带有转账控制号的短消息——转账控制号是一串独特的数字序列,提取现金时需要用到。The police tapped the phones, and the next day one of the men sent Chita a text message with money transfer control numbers—unique numeric sequences required to pick up cash.