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妈妈说,这是这里的民风。Mum said it is the local folkway and habitude.

这里民风淳朴,有“世外桃源”之称。Here folkway is simple, and has the name of xanadu.

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民风是各类地方志都会涉及到的普遍话题。Folkway is a general topic in all kinds of local chronicles.

客家人非常好客,民风纯朴。Hakka people are very passinate and their folkway is honest.

安丘市石家庄村的民俗风情是很浓厚且著名的。The folkway and custom of Shijiazhuang Village, Anqiu City, are profound and famous.

您一定被稻城美丽的风光和纯朴的民风所感染了。You must be inspired by the beautiful scenes and the natural folkway in Daocheng county.

可谓是风景秀丽,历史古老,民风淳朴,文化灿烂。It is full of breath-taking landscape, ancient history, simple folkway , wonderful culture.

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大路镇人杰地灵,民风淳朴,社会安定,吸引众多海内外客商投资置业。Dalu Town, a place propitious for giving birth to many outstanding people, boasts simple folkway.

故事发生在有独特的中国徽派建筑风格和古朴民风的小镇。It happens in a small town with unique Anhui building style and simple and unsophisticated folkway.

您一定被稻城美丽的风光和纯朴的民风所感染了。My dear friends, You must be inspired by the beautiful scenes and the natural folkway in Daocheng county.

第四,振兴民风,改革教育,只有上下结合,方能奏效。Fourthly , perking of folkway and innovation of education rely on combination of government and the people.

这里的民风是如此纯朴,这里的民俗是如此多彩多姿。我们真诚的欢迎中外游客到贵德来观光旅游。Here folkway is so simple, it is so colorful folk. We sincerely welcome Chinese and foreign visitors to the Guide tourism.

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在都市民俗资源类型认定的基础上提出保护方略,是一项十分有意义的工作。It is a significance work to put forward protecting strategy based on the reorganization of the types of urban folkway resources.

时代盛衰、民风世情影响文人的创作心态,形成作品特有的意象。Prosperity and decline of times and the folkway will influence writers' creation mood and form the specific sense image of works.

由于受地域的影响,语言、习俗、民风、环境以及所依附的民间音乐等各不相同。With the effective of zone, the language, consuetude , folkway and circumstance with the folk music attached are quite different.

借鉴了中国传统文化中的“仁政”思想,阐述了“官德”对民风及政治机体的影响。This paper deals with the influence of "official virtue" on folkway and political economy, referring to the "merciful policy" in Chinese traditional culture.

要搞好中国特色社会主义法治建设,必须构建一个既能满足宏观调控需要又能符合国情、民风的法律体系。To promote the construction of nomocracy with Chinese feature, we need a legal system corresponds with macro-control and the situation of country and folkway.

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客家族谱中常体现文化认同、制定规约、办学育人、营造朴厚民风等内容。Hakkas genealogy always embodies the contents of culture identification, making stipulations, running schools and educating people, constructing simple folkway and so on.

江西安义县民风淳朴的“千年古村落”,保存最完整的古镇原住民原生态,幽静阴郁的古城旅馆。Folkway of county of Jiangxi An Yi is honest " chiliad ancient dorp " , save the most complete ancient town aborigines former zoology, peaceful and gloomy ancient city hotel.

再说美国,要是没有中西部的山川河流、辽原阔野,造就早期的牛仔、开拓者精神,能有如今开放、创新的民风?One more example is USA, if there were no hills, rivers, and wide field in its midwest which brought up the early cowboy, exploiter spirit, can the opening, innovative folkway nowadays exist?