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克服不良嗜好。Overcome an addiction.

我后悔莫及。I was overcome with remorse.

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那么,我们要怎样克服呢?So how can we overcome this?

Suncorp如何克服这个问题?How did Suncorp overcome that?

我想要克服惧高症。I wish to overcome acrophobia.

一望无际的大海——只愿我能渡到你的彼岸。So wide a sea, may I overcome.

我们可以克服任何挑战。We can overcome any challenge.

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柔能克刚。Softness can overcome strength.

柔能克刚。The soft can overcome the hard.

我们能战胜任何困难。We can overcome any difficulty.

汽油味使他受不了。He was overcome by the gas fumes.

如何克服这种惰性呢?How can you overcome this inertia?

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这很正常,也能克服。It’s natural, but can be overcome.

你克服了怎样的挑战?What challenges have you overcome?

我能克服,或者说我会被克服。I can overcome or I can be overcome.

你能克服财政问题。You can overcome financial problems.

缺点和错误必须克服。Faults and mistakes must be overcome.

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我寻求勇气,上帝给设置障碍去克服。And God gave me obstacles to overcome.

你能克服这些障碍吗?Can you overcome all of the obstacles?

你知道怎么才能克服恐高症。Do you know how to overcome acrophobia.