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也没有蔷薇花蕾在附近。No rosebud is nigh.

而那个玫瑰花蕾也只是个雪橇。And Rosebud was just a sled.

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“不,你不能进来,”小玫瑰花骨朵说。No, you can't come in, " the little Rosebud said."

她是德克萨斯最甜美的玫瑰花蕾。She's the sweetest little rosebud That Texas ever knew.

小猫是动物王国花园中的玫瑰苞。A kitten is a rosebud in the garden of the animal kingdom.

她双唇努起犹如一朵玫瑰花蕾,在他的鼻子上吻了一下。She puckered her lips into a rosebud and kissed him on the nose.

我一直非常喜欢原版的玫瑰花蕾膏,但是这款更好!I've always loved the original Rosebud Salve, but this is even better!

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在西汉姆他被认为是一个尚未开放的花蕾。At West Ham he was thought of as the rosebud that never properly flowered.

“她是德州最甜心的妙龄少女”,歌词如此写道。"She's the sweetest little rosebud that Texas ever knew, " the lyrics say.

惊呆了,我站在布雷特放在我的手,白色的玫瑰花蕾,抱住我很难。Stunned, I stood as Brett placed the white rosebud in my hand and hugged me hard.

他和玫瑰公主很快进行了昌大的婚礼。He and Princess Rosebud were married as quickly as a grand wedding could be arranged.

绝望的他想,至少可以靠公主近一些,能够说些话。In despair, he thought at least that he would try to get near enough to speak to Princess Rosebud.

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汤普森是有任务而去的,他的任务是找出玫瑰花蕾的含义,那么玫瑰又是指什么?the Thompson is sent with a mission to find out what is the meaning of rosebud ? what was rose then?

每名毕业生举行了一个长梗,白色的玫瑰花蕾给意味着他或她的人。Each graduate held a long-stemmed, white rosebud to give to the person who had meant the most to him or her.

鲁拉莲可能是丽腊希娜莲的一个杂交变种,形如雕刻的玫瑰瓣,并带有些玫瑰花苞的形状。Echeveria 'Lola', possibly a hybrid of Echeveria lilacina, forms a sculpted rosette with a somewhat "rosebud" shape.

就这样,他成了远近闻名、受人尊敬的英明国王,和玫瑰王后一起幸福地管理着自己的王国。The Prince became known as a wise and thoughtful King, and he ruled happily together with his beautiful wife, the Queen Rosebud.

玫瑰公主被女巫关进树林中偏僻的水晶宫殿里。The enchantress had shut Princess Rosebud up in a palace of crystal, and had hidden this palace in a remote corner of the woods.

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就如许,他成了近远著名、受人尊重的贤明国王,和玫瑰王后一路幸运天办理着本身的王国。The Prince became known as a wise, thoughtful and admired King, and he ruled happily alongside his beloved wife, the Queen Rosebud.

就这样,他成了远近闻名、受人尊敬的英明国王,和玫瑰王后一起幸福地管理着自己的王国。The Prince became known as a wise, thoughtful and admired King, and he ruled happily alongside his beloved wife, the Queen Rosebud.

在对菊科植物成分进行实验分析的基础上,定性测定了黄山贡菊所含的多种成分。Based on the experimental analysis of composition of the Compositae plants, many components in Huangshan rosebud were qualitatively determined.