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这还只是开始。This has just begun.

好的开始时成功的一半。Well begun is half down.

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古罗马于公元前七百五十三年建立。Rome was begun in 753 BC.

他的统治风头正盛。His rule had begun better.

网络新闻时代由此而生。The Web news era had begun.

她已开始看一本新书。She has begun on a new book.

就这样,长城的修建开始了。So the Great Wall was begun.

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他的牙齿已开始蛀蚀。His teeth have begun to decay.

审判是在星期一开始的。The trial had begun on Monday.

是啊,它已经开始生根。Well, it's begun to take root.

快迪斯赛季快要来临了。The Quidditch season had begun.

稀稀拉拉的雨点开始落下来。Spots of rain had begun to fall.

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许多银行已开始采用自动化技术。Many banks have begun to automate.

柳树开始抽芽了。The willow trees have begun to bud.

寒冷的北风已开始吹起来了。A cold north wind has begun to blow.

可是那慢步探戈舞已经开始了`。But the slow street tango had begun.

有些花现在已经开始开花了。Some flowers have begun to come out.

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那群新生,我才刚开始教他们呢!I’ve barely begun with the new group!

这只幼雕已开始长出羽毛。The young eagle has begun feathering.

神作诸事向来有始有终。And God will finish what He has begun.