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一辆卡车急驶而过。A truck dashed by.

一辆汽车在我们身旁飞驶而过溅了我们满身泥。A car dashed past us.

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她即兴吟了一首诗。She dashed out a poem.

他划掉了他的名字。He dashed out his name.

他看来相当消沈。He looks rather dashed.

那匹马向前直冲。The horse dashed onward.

他把瓶子猛地向地上一摔。He dashed the bottle down.

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她把包裹掷在一边。She dashed the parcel aside.

他一个箭步冲了出去,连002都无法阻拦。He dashed out, even stop 002.

他们突然向前猛进。They suddenly dashed forward.

她把花瓶猛掷在地板上。She dashed a vase to the floor.

那匹马冲下山来。The horse dashed down the hill.

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全家人的梦想破灭了。The family's dreams were dashed.

他愤怒地摔下杯子。He dashed a cup down in a temper.

他的两手溅着血。His hands were dashed with blood.

孩子转身跑掉了。The child turned and dashed away.

他急奔去赶搭最后一班火车。He dashed to catch the last train.

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海潮冲着峭壁。The waves dashed against the cliff.

浪涛猛烈地冲击着岩石。The waves dashed against the rocks.

他用头撞墙。He dashed his head against the wall.