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父母之爱深而真挚。Parental love is deep and true.

该系列带有电视荷父母的准则。The series carries a TV-G parental guideline.

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准父母健康是孕期健康的关键。Parental health is key to a healthy pregnancy.

家长较少参与儿童活动low parental involvement in children's activities

我想休育婴假回家照顾我的宝宝。I want to take parental leave to look after my baby.

孩子没有父母的照管容易走上邪路。Children are easy to go awry without parental control.

他们谁都不需要父母的财务支持。Neither of them depends on parental financial support.

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感谢上帝这个专利是用于父母控制。Thank goodness the reason for this is parental control.

可怜天下父母心,家长们望子成龙也是人之常情。Poor parental love, the parents Succeed is also a human.

她怕父母训斥,不敢很晚不归。She dare not stay out late for fear of a parental rebuke.

父母管教过严会促使子女反抗。Too rigid parental control fosters rebellion in children.

父母放任会影响孩子的发展吗?Does parental permissiveness affect children's development?

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长远看来,父母这样的抚育方式真的会带来伤害。In the long run this kind of parental help can really hurt.

针对峻厉的家教的观点迥然不同。Opinions concerning strict parental discipline vary widely.

天下父母之爱,其实都在一针一线、一封家书、一件小事之中。Parental love, in fact, in stitch, a letter, a small being.

除了统计人员外,所有人对父母的症状都是不了解的。All but the statisticians were blinded to the parental diagnoses.

“父职参与”或“参与亲职的父亲”?Father Involvement or Fathers who Share Parental Responsibilities?

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请输入访问家长控制设置的4位代码。Please enter your 4-digit code to access parental control settings.

早在1979年,瑞典就第一个提出了禁止父母殴打孩子。Sweden was the first country to ban parental spanking back in 1979.

整个事件也许会归结为父母的责任问题。The whole issue will probably boil down to parental responsibility.