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一个冷静的大脑往往是空的。A calmer mind is an emptier mind.

它将永远膨胀下去,变得更加空旷黑暗。It will expand forever getting emptier and darker.

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没有它们,世界只会看上去更加的荒芜。Without it, the world is a much emptier seeming place.

瑞士的街道比我们国内的街道要干净清洁。The streets in Switzerland were cleaner and emptier than those at home.

当我们接近核辐射区时,道路变得越来越空寂。And as we get closer to the nuclear zone ourselves, the road gets emptier and emptier.

在服用胶原蛋白之前的1.5小时,不要吃任何东西,空胃的服用效果比较好。Do not eat 1.5 hours prior to taking the collagen, the emptier your stomach is the better.

换句话说,大多数人们喜欢低廉一些的票价而不喜欢更贵的票价,喜欢更多的伙食和更干净的飞机。In other words, the majority of us prefer lower fares to higher fares, more meals, and emptier airplanes.

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因为早上最有可能,天气会好一些,你的精力更充沛,而且你的日程安排比晚些也会少一点。Most likely the weather will be friendlier, your energy level higher, and your agenda emptier than later in the day.

人行道上的行人挡箭牌,似乎从一开始的汽车和商店的橱窗,不屈不挠的眼楮樽刺眼。The sidewalks seem emptier as pedestrians shield their eyes from the unrelenting glare off the cars and store windows.

驶入市中心后,更高的建筑开始映入眼帘,周六下午的人行道显得空旷许多。Taller buildings began filling the view as they entered midtown, the sidewalks emptier here late on a Saturday afternoon.

我们在家中购物,在网络阅览,但同时我们也感到更加空虚与孤独,比人类历史上任何时间都孤独。We shop at home , we surf the Web, but at the same time we feel emptier and more cut off from each other than at any other time in human history.

每晚没有大人拥着念书的孩子,可能上的是私立学校,上学时坐着他爸爸的豪华轿车,但在念书上他不如人。The child who does not have a reader's lap to sit in every night may go to a private school in his father's limousine but he will be emptier for this.

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在拥有成片编织工厂的东莞“针织城”里,一位工厂老板表示,街道最近已经空无一人。In Dongguan's "Sweater Town, " where blocks upon blocks of knitting factories form a squat skyline, streets are emptier these days, says a factory boss.

机器运行时,严禁将人体任何部位置于安全门和防护罩范围内以及脱模机构伸出所及范围内。When the machine is running strictly prohibit any part of the body goes into which the emergency door the protection cover and the mold emptier can reach.

没有爸爸妈妈唱歌讲故事的孩子,可能会当选三年级的小皇后,却仍然为此而感到失落。The child who does not grow up with lots of stories and songs in her parents' voices may be a junior Beauty Queen in the third grade but she will be emptier for this.

吉米-卡拉格希望在国际比赛日之后,利物浦物疗室能够万人空巷,因为利物浦迎来是否具备联赛冠军资格大考。Jamie Carragher is hopeful Liverpool's treatment room will be a little emptier after the international break as the Reds gear up for a 'massive test' of their league credentials.