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网站指认照片主角为韦纳。Web site photos hero identified as Weiner.

“对于我们来说,幸福就意味着拥有和别人良好的关系,”威纳说。“Happiness is other people, ” Weiner says.

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美国众议员安东尼韦纳因性丑闻宣布辞职。Defiant no longer, Weiner resigns in sex scandal.

韦纳先生的一位女发言人没有反驳科尔多瓦女士的讲述。A spokeswoman for Mr. Weiner did not dispute Ms. Cordova’s account.

韦纳最初是作为舒默的助手而登上了政治舞台的。Mr. Weiner had begun his political career as an assistant to Mr. Schumer.

2009年3月,韦纳和演员本·阿弗莱克在国会外交谈。Mr. Weiner and the actor Ben Affleck outside the House Chamber in March 2009.

到目前为止,韦纳是当选纽约市议员时最为年轻的一位。Mr. Weiner was the youngest person ever elected to the New York City Council.

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韦纳写道,冰岛语中的一些用语其实更能说明问题。Certain phrases in the Icelandic language, Weiner writes, are even more telling.

1999年1月,甫来到位于华盛顿的新办公室,韦纳就试用起自己的新办公桌来。Upon his arrival at his new Washington office in January, Mr. Weiner tried out his new desk.

在猥亵照丑闻曝光后,美国国会议员安东尼韦纳请了两周的假。Congressman Anthony Weiner is taking a two-week leave of absence after his lewd photo scandal.

在纽约,美国众议员安东尼·韦纳就举行了一个香槟酒会庆祝协和时代的结束。In New York, U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner hosted a champagne toast to celebrate Concorde's demise.

这一次没有女性主义者出来愤怒了,不仅仅是因为Weiner是右翼民主党人。This time, no feminist umbrage rang out — and not merely because Weiner is a liberal Democrat.

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温纳因将自己的不雅照片传给在线网友,周四宣布辞职。Weiner resigned on Thursday after admitting he had sent lewd photos of himself to women online.

2010年7月,长期担任国务卿希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿助手的哈玛·阿比丁嫁给了韦纳。Huma Abedin, a longtime aide to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, married Mr. Weiner in July.

在辞职声明中,韦纳向选举他的社区民众和家人表示道歉。In his resignation statement, Weiner people from the community to elect him and his family an apology.

维纳进驻一家心理治疗中心接受治疗,并已向众议院提出准假申请。Weiner checked himself into a psychological treatment center and requested a leave of absence from the House.

众议员韦纳在华盛顿和其他地方激情洋溢地表达其主张,从而获得了一定声誉。Representative Weiner developed a reputation for passionately delivering his views in Washington and elsewhere.

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韦纳发现,瑞士人做事很有效率、守时,比其他国家的人富裕,几乎不会遭遇失业。The Swiss, Weiner discovered, are efficient and punctual, comparatively wealthy and face hardly any unemployment.

重新开放自由女神像的冠冕将重塑纽约和美国历史的精髓。Reopening the crown of lady liberty will restore a quintessential New York and American experience, " Weiner said.

韦纳称,这是杨致远在雅虎创立时就有的想法,但返朴归真未必适用。This was the same idea he had when Yahoo was founded, but back-to-basics did not necessarily apply, said Mr Weiner.