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您的脚肿了吗?Do your feet swell?

他的脚踝肿起来了。His ankles began to swell.

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他的脸肿起来了。His face began to swell up.

有效改善静脉曲张。Good at restrain vena swell.

他是第一流的网球手。He is a swell tennis player.

他的脸膀起来了。His face began to swell out.

有一个小浪来了。There's a small swell coming.

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女人能成为知心朋友。Women made such swell friends.

储蓄可以积成财富。Savings may swell into fortune.

很快叶芽纷纷冒了出来。Soon a thousand leaf buds swell.

如果你选择了江涌浪湃。If you choose to swell Jiang Pai.

二乙烯三胺将使树脂膨胀。Diethylenetriamine will swell the resin.

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欢乐的钟声在微风中回荡。With merry peals shall swell the breeze.

山丘逐渐由平原膨胀起来。The hills swell gradually up from the plain.

上海金四维卫浴公司。Shanghai Golden Swell Sanitaryware Co. , Ltd.

第一个预言,英语的词汇量会膨胀。The first is that our vocabulary would swell.

他们开始扩增到近似荒唐的地步。They began to swell to the point of absurdity.

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使葫芦胀大,鼓起了榛子壳To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells

在果实最后膨大期以前内果皮变硬。The endocarp is hardened before the final swell.

这阵风把帆吹得鼓鼓的。The wind filled the sails, ie made them swell out.