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在鹦鹉螺号上的食物全部是海货。The food aboard the Nautilus is all sea food.

打开终端并在根模式下运行nautilus。Open your terminal and launch nautilus in root mode.

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隔壁的王大爷居然无意中救了一只鹦鹉螺。Uncle Wang, who lives next door, accidentally saved a nautilus.

鹦鹉螺公司还未赞同这一方法,但是他们称会采取行动来保护热液喷口。Nautilus has not agreed to that, but says it will take steps to preserve vents.

险公司更名为纽约人寿保险公司。The Nautilus Insurance Company was renamed the Ndw York Life Insurance Company.

日落重点鹦鹉螺贝壳床尾台由Stanley家具。" Sunset "Key" Nautilus Shell station by the end of the bed, Stanley Furniture.

1806年由罗伯特·富尔顿设计的潜艇,他也是鹦鹉螺号的设计者。An 1806 design for a submarine by Robert Fulton, who also designed the Nautilus.

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作品的主题包括一张女性脸庞、一个跳舞者、一只海豚、一只鹦鹉螺壳和太阳。Motifs include a woman’s face, a dancer, a dolphin, a nautilus shell and the sun.

尼莫船长有一艘名叫纳提路斯号的潜艇,他趁着这艘潜艇去探索海底世界。Captain Nemo had a fantastic submarine Called the Nautilus in which he explored the deep sea.

在拥挤的海面和水中航行时,鹦鹉螺显示器增强了船的安全性。The Nautilus enhances ship safety during surfaced and submerged operations in crowded waters.

鹦鹉螺采用开放式架构设计,支持采用新型元件和技术升级。The Nautilus uses an open architecture to support replacement components and newer technologies.

鹦鹉螺还能抵抗撞击、振动、防盐防雾、防渗水并能经受噪声和电磁干扰的影响。The Nautilus meets withstands shock, vibration, salt, fog, drip, fungus, acoustic noise, and EMI.

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结果就像画廊里所展出那张“彩色鹦鹉螺”一样,是值得的。But the results, like the nautilus in the photo gallery that accompanies this piece, are worth it.

鹦鹉螺之眼。这种没有透镜结构的瞳孔更像是针孔相机的孔。The eye of a nautilus mollusk. The lens-less pupil works rather like the aperture of a pinhole camera.

要么他们造一艘全尺寸拥有完善纳米管技术的“鹦鹉螺”号,否则它就纯粹一骗局。Either they have built a full sized "Nautilus" with perfected Carbon Nano-tube tech, otherwise its a pure hoax.

即使经济上的问题堆积如山,鹦鹉螺与海王星公司仍必须克服人们对于环境破坏的关注。Even if the economics stack up, however, Nautilus and Neptune must overcome concerns over environmental damage.

高音采用了B&W的鹦鹉螺管装的设计,很好地遏止共振并增强高频表现。The tweeters feature B&W's Nautilus tube-loaded design claimed to dampen resonance and improve high-frequency sounds.

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Nautilus已经被取代为添加了一些插件的Elementary-Nautilus,这样它就可以从网络中获得音乐和视频艺术。Nautilus has been replaced for Elementary-Nautilus with added plug-ins so it can get music and video art from the web.

鹦鹉螺架构的20米长的主体结构是构建在周围石堤墙的基础上的,但又没有完全碰触。The 20 meter long primary structure of Nautilus is constructed over and around the stone embankment wall, but does not touch it.

是一种比鹦鹉螺类软体动物更复杂的眼睛,工作原理像是针孔相机。The snail's eye, a more sophisticated version of that of the nautilus mollusk, works rather like the aperture of a pinhole camera.