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鲍尔与他的秘鲁同事兴奋不已。Bauer and his Peruvian teammates were thrilled.

秘鲁总统会见中国海军高级官员。Peruvian president meets Chinese navy senior officer.

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部分水坝将在雨林位于秘鲁和玻利维亚的地区修建。Some dams will be in Peruvian and Bolivia parts of the jungle.

秘鲁的黄金和白银矿布埃纳文图拉相对低估。Peruvian gold and silver miner Buenaventura is relatively undervalued.

阿里卡智利北部一城市,位于太平洋岸秘鲁边界附近。A city of northern Chile on the Pacific Ocean near the Peruvian border.

中午,与会各成员领导人身穿秘鲁民族服装集体合影。APEC leaders took group photos in traditional Peruvian costumes at noon.

藤森1990年当选秘鲁总统,两次连任。Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori was elected in 1990, re-elected twice.

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伊基克智利西北部城市,濒临太平洋,位于秘鲁边界以南。A city of northwest Chile on the Pacific Ocean south of the Peruvian border.

干制秘鲁亚贡雪莲果片-完美的“嗜甜人们的攻击”的小吃。Dried, Peruvian Yacon Slices -- Perfect for that "sweet tooth-attack" snack.

我们都是四川人,而此刻,秘鲁人民也和我们一样成了中国人。We are all Sichuanese, but at the moment, the Peruvian people and we are also a Chinese.

印加古国位于秘鲁安第斯山脉中心,繁荣于1200年至1533年这段时期。The Inca Empire was centered in the Peruvian Andes and flourished from about 1200 to 1533.

古代秘鲁印第安人信仰多种多神论和泛神论的宗教。Ancient times the Peruvian Indians believed many kinds of polytheisms and pantheism religion.

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查韦斯当天在总统府会见了秘鲁当选总统奥良塔·乌马拉。Chavez was elected in the presidential palace, met with Peruvian President Orleans Tau horse.

亲眼目睹葱翠的秘鲁乌鲁班巴山谷上的黎明破晓将会是一次难以忘怀的经历。To witness dawn spilling over the lush Peruvian Urubamba Valley is an unforgettable experience.

为期两天的亚太经合会将于星期六在秘鲁首都利马召开。The two-day Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit kicks off Saturday in the Peruvian capital.

你看一下他的背景,他是越南、墨西哥、秘鲁、瑞士和爱尔兰的混血。Andyou look at his background, and he is Vietnamese and Mexican and Peruvian and Swiss and Irish.

在Matsuei时,我认识了一位日本裔的秘鲁人,他一年来两次寿司店。At Matsuei I met a Peruvian of Japanese descent who used to stop in for sushi about twice a year.

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秘鲁人在34分钟和85分钟两度进球追平玻利维亚,并保住了2-2平局。The Peruvian equalised twice against Bolivia, in the 34th and 85th minutes, to secure a 2-2 draw.

首钢的秘鲁高管比利亚·托雷则表示说,相比于困难,他更关注的是马尔科纳的潜在发展。Mr. Vera la Torre, Shougang's Peruvian executive, said he preferred to focus on Marcona's potential.

首钢的秘鲁高管比利亚·托雷则表示说,相比于困难,他更关注的是马尔科纳的潜在发展。Mr. Vera la Torre, Shougang’s Peruvian executive, said he preferred to focus on Marcona’s potential.