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“沙龙”还是“纱笼”?。Salon or Sarong?

琳达,你能不能推荐一个好的沙龙?Linda,would you recommend a good salon?

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爱词霸沙龙诞生在哪年哪月那日?Do you know the birthday of ICIBA salon?

我以前常在周日去参加英语沙龙。I used to go to English salon on Sundays.

坐在沙龙里的感觉真是别有一番滋味。Sitting in salon was quite an experience.

玛莉在美容沙龙烫头发。Mary is at the beauty salon getting a perm.

前几天,我去了伦敦的一家发廊。I went to a hair salon in London the other day.

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背到办学为主题的美容美发游戏。Back-to-school running themed beauty salon game.

谢谢你,爱词霸沙龙,还有里面起爱的朋友们!Thank you, Iciba salon and my dear friends here!

对我们的传统绘画,他是异国的知音。To our traditional painting, he is exotic Salon.

侯爵挽起了他的手臂,同他一起走出客厅。The marquis took his arm, and they left the salon.

难道因为今天是词霸宝宝的生日吗?Is it because today is the birthday of iciba salon?

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秀客美发店位于常州大学城附近。Xiuke hair salon lies on Changzhou University Town.

早上好,先生,这里是美容室我能帮你做什么?Good morning, sir, This is Le Salon. May I help you?

我上理发厅去做了一个新发式。I went to a hairdressing salon and had a new hair-do.

请问您通过什么途径了解到SUHO的美发机构?What way through to know the salon institutions SUHO?

可能这一天你们会在美容沙龙度过,或者是看了一部催人泪下的言情片。Maybe it is a day at the salon or a sappy chick-flick.

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在黛比家附近新开了一家发廊。A new hairdressing salon has opened near Debbie's home.

一次在沙龙里的访问将证实这些观察资料。A visit to a salon will substantiate these observations.

早上好,先生,这里是美容室我能帮你做什么?Good morning, sir, This is Beauty Salon. May I help you?