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假日饭食。Holiday meals.

它是一个假日。It is a holiday.

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多蠢的一个节日。What a stupid holiday.

是公休假日吗?Is it a public holiday?

你假期过患上兴奋吗?。Did you have anice holiday?

他是个悠闲自得的人。He was a holiday character.

星期日是例假日。Sunday is a regular holiday.

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寒假怎么过呢?What about a winter holiday?

好轻松的一个假期啊!How relaxing a holiday it is!

他住在假日酒店。He’s at the Holiday Inn Hotel.

我下个月全月休假。I'll be on holiday next month.

去西班牙的马略卡岛度假。A holiday in Spain, in Majorca.

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我度假之后真觉得又精神宝满了。I feel really after my holiday.

我渴望度一个短假。I long to pass a short holiday.

夏天我们常去渡假。In the summer,we go on holiday.

就当放一个长假吧。Take it easy as a long holiday.

他们会去度一个很长的假。They go on a very long holiday.

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这个假日每个人都享受其中。A holiday fot everyone to enjoy.

你们需要假日临时工吗?。Do you need any holiday casuals?

要参加公司逢年过节举办的餐会。Go to the company holiday party.