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可怜的圣女!Poor sainted virgin!

那位教堂中神圣的牧师!The sainted minister in the church!

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现在由德高望重的鼠老前辈致悼词。Now from sainted rat old-timer with the result that Dao phrase.

而他以消灭德纳第的行动来回答自己所爱慕的这一神圣的声音!And he replied to that adored and sainted voice by crushing Thenardier!

这种人大多是社会中,年长而德重之人。Most of the old like this are the elder and sainted person in the society.

我曾服侍过他德高望重的父亲,另外,小子——这才是能被你称为国王的那个人!I was with his sainted father man and boy—there was a king you could call a king!

仁慈的夫人,请您代求贵戚红衣主教先生为我们祷告。Good Madame, recommend us to the prayers of your sainted relative, Monsieur the Cardinal.

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金宝的创办人陈鹏飞先生,也在表坛德高望重。Chen Peng flies to Jin Bao's patriarch gentleman, also be in the sainted that express altar.

我再次发誓,以每只神圣的蜜蜂-以从山坡唤来的雏菊-以来自小巷的食米鸟的名义。I bring my Rose. I plight again, By every sainted Bee-By Daisy called from hillside-By Bobolink from lane.

阏伽水在修法中用于洗浴圣众足和漱口,乃表达我们对佛、菩萨、明王等的施舍供养。In Esoteric Buddhist practice, we pay our respect to Buddha and offer argha water to cleanse the mouths and feet of the sainted.

小教堂设在如此富于猎物的花园或猎场当中,就使得对这位圣徒化了的猎人所作的这一奉献显得特别得体。The situation of the chapel in the midst of a park or chase, so richly stocked with game, made the dedication to the Sainted Huntsman peculiarly appropriate.

同时,曼特尔也推翻了德高望重的托马斯莫尔所持有的观点,那就是克伦威尔是一个自私自利的人,对待妻子十分残忍。曼德尔认为托马斯是一个十分自负的人。At the same time, she undermines the popular view of the sainted Thomas More, who she shows to be vain, self-serving in his own martyrdom and nasty to his wife.

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自古代开始,朝鲜的邻国就把朝鲜成为“君子之国”,意思就是说朝鲜是享有纯洁、受人尊敬、善良和圣洁之称的君子安居乐业之地。The neighboring countries called Korea the country of true gentlemen from ancient times in a sense that there lived virtuous, dignified, kind and sainted people.

某些物理学家甚至希望推翻爱因斯坦,修正他的重力学理论和广义相对论,从而消除宇宙的现状和理论的不一致性…Some physicists are even willing to burn down their old sainted Einstein and revise his theory of gravity, general relativity, to make the cosmic discrepancies go away.