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是的,儿科医生。Yes, a pediatrician.

一个萨那儿科医生这么告诉我。a Sanaa pediatrician told me.

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你已经选好了儿科医师了吗?Have you chosen a pediatrician yet?

记住你公爹是一个儿科医师。Remember your fatherinlaw's a pediatrician.

这次是那个儿科医生举枪瞄准。Thia time , the pediatrician diew a bead on it.

那个诊断的儿科医生看起来一点都不像医生。The diagnostic pediatrician didn’t look like a doctor.

婴儿发烧时,母亲会给小儿科医生打电话。Whenthebaby developed a fever, Mother telephoned pediatrician.

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我要带我的女儿去给小儿科医生做个全身检查。I'm taking my daughter to a pediatrician for a general check-up.

他是主持这一研究的密执安大学C。Michael Cabana, a pediatrician at the University of Michigan's C.

我应该马上叫他的儿科医师来还是等等看将会怎样?Should I call his pediatrician right away or wait and see how it goes?

当然,有关于这方面你可以咨询儿科医师。Of course, you can always consult your pediatrician for advice in this area.

纽约金斯顿的罗杰·格林博士是专门帮助陷入这种困境的孩子的儿科医生。Dr. Roger Green, a pediatrician in Kingston, N.Y., helps kids who have reached this point.

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如果你不确定的话,跟你的医疗服务提供者或儿科医师讨论一下,并权衡其利害关系。Talk to your healthcare provider or pediatrician about the pros and cons if you are unsure.

父亲安理柯.莫迪里安尼是罗马城的主要儿科医师,母亲奥尔卡.法拉切尔是一位义务社会工作人员。My father was a leading pediatrician in the city and my mother was a volunteer social worker.

我希望她已经和儿科医生谈过,排除这种行为的其他原因。I hope she already has spoken to a pediatrician to rule out any other causes of this behavior.

分娩前通知儿科医师和麻醉科医师为分娩做好准备。The pediatrician and anesthesiologist should be notified so that they can prepare for delivery.

8岁的哈蒂姆静静地坐在冰冷的诊疗室�,等待儿科医师科林·法斯勒宣读对他的“判决”。In a cold, stark municipal hall, 8-year-old Hatim sat silently as the pediatrician passed judgment.

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如果您认为孩子的问题由心理问题产生的,就带孩子去看儿科医生。Visit your pediatrician if you think your child's unruly behavior stems from a psychological problem.

你的儿科医生或儿科牙医会告诉你什么时候你的孩子才能够独立刷牙。Your pediatrician or pediatric dentist will let you know when your child is able to brush on his own.

郑宇光和杨树荫60多岁,已经退休,分别是一名儿科医生和化学家。Yuguang Zheng and Shuyin Yang were retired and in their 60s. A pediatrician and a chemist respectively.