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他们来自法国。They come from France.

我们挤垮了法国。We were killing France.

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德国与法国接壤。Germany borders on France.

拿破仑是在法国长大的。Napoleon grew up in France.

巴黎是法国的缩影。Paris is France in miniature.

这支乐队在法国巡回演出。The band is on tour in France.

杜卜雷被召回法国。Dupleix was recalled to France.

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我是来自法国巴黎的马其。I'm March from Paris of France.

它在1998年开始于法国。It started from France in 1998.

那架飞机是法国制造的。The aircraft was made in France.

我们和法国交换了位置。We’ve traded places with France.

我要寄些信到法国。I want to send letters to France.

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南希.玛克特?她是法国人吗?Nancy Marquet?Is she from France?

1793年起法国有名无实的国王。Titular king of France from 1793.

法国是个小气的爱哭鬼。France is a thin skinned cry baby.

法国在英国的南边。France is to the south of England.

德国与法国东部接壤。Germany bounds France on the east.

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宝禄爵干型香槟,,法国香槟产区。Pol Roger Brut, Champagne, France.

到了法国南部的阿维尼翁。To Avignon in the south of France.

普罗旺斯位于法国南部。Provence is in the south of France.