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她在审问下屈招了。She broke under questioning.

这是毋庸置疑的。This goes beyond questioning.

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谈话中常大笑不止且多伴有疑问Lots of laughter and questioning tones

她挺开心,也很有意思,问题也蛮多。She was happy, funny, and questioning.

英国警察正在问讯该名男子。British police are questioning the man.

警察把他拘留起来进行审问。The police pulled him in for questioning.

在询问他之后,立马就让他离开了。After questioning him,they let him go temporarily.

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重暄情绪激动,质问他们在说什么。The heavy emotion, questioning what they are saying.

警方将强制拘传这几名犯罪嫌疑人。The police will summon the suspects for questioning.

向毛的极权提出质疑是极端危险的。Questioning Mao's authority was especially dangerous.

警察扣留了几个嫌疑犯问话。The police detained several suspects for questioning.

我一直都质疑我的判断力和决策力。I am constantly questioning my judgment and decisions.

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一旦我们开始询问她,就发现事情不对劲了。Once we started questioning her, things didn’t add up.

警官在询问他问题的时候,紧盯着他的双眼。The policeman stared at his eyes when questioning him.

卟菅咋样,这种质询法媞苡啥方式影响到当偂?In what ways is such questioning relevant today anyway?

挪威警方也在昨日第二次讯问布雷维克。Norwegian police are questioning Brevik second yesterday.

在今天的最后,请允许我对两句陈辞滥调提出质疑。Let me end today by questioning two clichés in particular.

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看到珍和她姨妈,希瓦质问他们在做什么。See Jane and her aunt, shiva questioning what there doing.

我对这个过于狭隘的问题感到非常恼火。I get quite annoyed at this very narrow line of questioning.

对不起,刚才我戴着耳塞,没听清您的问话。I'm sorry, I wear ear plugs, did not catch your questioning.