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但是为了这一切,就值得流血吗?But is all this worth the bloodshed?

它看到了营火和流血。It has seen campfires and bloodshed.

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这样,流血的罪必得赦免。And the bloodshed will be atoned for.

温柔的一刀,不疼,却在流血!Gentle knife , not hurt , but the bloodshed !

街头溅血,就是买股票的时机。Buy stocks when there is bloodshed in the street.

他们携带了匕首和短刀,意图制造流血事件。They were carrying knives and knife with intent to bloodshed.

索菲娅•罗曼诺夫统治的开始与结束都充满了血腥。The reign of Sophia Romanov began as it would end, in bloodshed.

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鲜血与战争贯穿着加莫人的文化。The Gamorrean culture is filled with bloodshed and constant wars.

这些痛苦和流血令人发指,不容接受。The suffering and bloodshed is outrageous and it is unacceptable.

何振梁的心里在流血,但他没有流泪。He Zhenliang of bloodshed in the heart, but he did not shed tears.

在,Borgias,家族统治下的,30,年,暴力,谋杀,恐惧,流血冲突。For 30 years under the Borgias, violence, murder, terror, bloodshed.

最严重的一次渗血之后,他身上的伤口有那么一段时间骚痒难耐。His scars had itched for some time after the worst of the bloodshed.

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我认为我们已经受够了流血冲突,在伊拉克的太上一辈子。I think that we have had enough bloodshed in IRAQ too last a lifetime.

阿里亚斯的警告完全正确,除非达成协议,更糟的流血事件还会发生。Mr Arias is surely right to warn of worse bloodshed unless a deal is reached.

不过,这仅仅是我们在叙利亚所见到流血事件的惊鸿一瞥罢了。But this is only a glimpse of the bloodshed we are likely to witness in Syria.

对国家民族的爱竟然成为种族之间仇恨之源,引发成流血冲突、战争对立。Love of country became the fruitful source of race-hatred, war, and bloodshed.

当一个国家占领另一个国家时,通常会发生流血事件。When one country takes over another country's land, there's usually bloodshed.

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看起来民主好像是不经流血移交权力的最好安排。It is likely the most suitable arrangement to transfer power without bloodshed.

随后施行了慷慨的大赦,防止更多的雅典人流血。A generous amnesty succeeded in preventing any further bloodshed among Athenians.

在这“狩猎”会里只缺少流血,至少我记不起有这种事件。Bloodshed was the only thing lacking in this shikar, at least I cannot recall any.