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火腿,生菜,西红柿,美乃汁,白吐司。Salami , lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise on white bread.

卡拉马它橄榄、香菇、朝鲜蓟嫩心和沙拉米。Olives, Shiitake Mushrooms, Artichoke Hearts, and Salami.

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如果扔一片意大利香肠给大象吃,你就污损了整个生产线Slip an Elephant a Slice of Salami and You’ll Ruin the Entire Line

以色列和印度的货币像吃了一般的意大利香肠三明治一样skittered。Israeli and Indian currency skittered past a half-eaten salami sandwich.

在这种情况下,他通常会吃一个香肠三明治和一杯红葡萄酒。On those occasions, he consumes a salami sandwich and a glass of red wine.

非常非常美味的食物,比如意大利腊肠和芝士这一类的东西。Just really, really tasty food like salami and cheeses and stuff like that.

来些乳酪脆饼、马铃薯片、火腿、乳酪和意大利腊肠怎样?How about cheese-and-crackers, potato chips, ham, cheese and salami sausage?

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为了增加美味,可加上几片美式腊肠和萨拉米香肠等意大利香肠。To improve the taste, pieces of Italian sausages such as pepperoni and salami.

意大利肉肠雅称“莎乐美”,形似粗长滚圆的擀面杖。Italian Sausage elegantly called "Salami", the shape of long thick rounded rolling pin.

将干酪丝倒入大盆,再倒入熏肉丝、洋葱、蘑菇、番茄汁、番茄酱和萨拉米香肠。Place the cheeses in large bowl, add the bacon, onion, mushrooms, soup, tomato paste and salami.

选低脂的天然肉类而不要选烟熏或加工过的如烟熏火腿或是意大利腊肠。Choose lower fat natural meats instead of smoked or processed meats such as smoked ham or salami.

我们这有牛肉、火腿、培根、鸡肉、起司、鲔鱼以及总汇口味。那您喜好哪一种?We have beef, ham, bacon, chicken, cheese, salami , and club. What kind of hamburger would you prefer?

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该设计模式被称为意大利香肠片,因为每个组件或类型代表一片香肠。This design pattern is referred to as Salami Slice because each component or type represents one slice.

在吸引了蓝军青年部主管阿内森的目光后,尼日利亚新星萨拉米将在十一月下旬前往试训。Nigerian starlet Adigun Salami will join Chelsea on trial at the end of November after catching the eye of Frank Arnesen.

它能使意大利香肠具有扑鼻的香气,并把香肠弄成一个更适合其他细菌生长的温床。It both gives the salami its tangy flavor and cures it as well, making it an inhos­pitable place for other bacteria to grow.

古巴三明治用古巴面包夹火腿、烤猪肉、瑞士奶酪、腌黄瓜、芥末做成,有时夹意大利腊肠。The Cuban sandwich comprises Cuban bread stuffed with ham, roasted pork, Swiss cheese, pickles, mustard, and sometimes salami.

由于将圣诞老人的坐骑——驯鹿做成香肠搬上货架,宜家以虐待动物之名遭到指控。Ikea has been accused of condoning cruelty to animals by selling salami made from Santa's four-legged sleigh-pullers, reindeer.

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因此,我放弃了,并且转向一个皮萨店,在这里我可以得到更多的钱做意大利香肠切割机。So I quit, and moved to a pizza parlor where I got extra money for cutting the salami with the machine that cut peoples' fingers.

第一道菜,把盘子一起吃下肚,喝饮料则得从一朵郁金香里头吸出来。如果嫌阳光太强,就把义大利萨拉米香肠关上。With your first course, eat the plates. For your drink, sip out of a tulip. And if there's too much sun coming in, close the salami.

我们到了他的办公室,他播了一盘DVD,我们就坐在那里一边看碟,一边吃着香肠、奶酪和圣诞节点心。We went to his office and he popped in a DVD, and we sat there and ate the salami and cheese and the Christmas cookies and watched his home movies.